Friday, December 27, 2019
Essay on Howard Zinn Answer Guide - 1869 Words
Reid Thorpe August 3, 2010 APUSH Mr. Sayers Zinn; Chapter 1: 1.) Howard Zinn’s main purpose for writing A People’s History of the United States is to give history in an un-biased manner. For example, he says that he will not glorify any movement and denounce any ‘bad guy’ in history; he will give information as it should be given. Fairly. 2.) His thesis for the first eleven pages is to describe past events as they happened. Regarding Columbus, Zinn wouldn’t glorify him as a hero, because he wasn’t. He was violent and greedy and would describe him as such. 3.) According to Howard Zinn, Christopher Columbus was wrongly portrayed as a ‘hero’, of sorts. Although he did discover America, there are quite a few significant reasons†¦show more content†¦15.) Roger Williams claimed that the brutal methods used by English settlers on the natives were a â€Å"necessity†due to the conditions that the English went through, such as deprivation of food and normal living conditions. 16.) Ultimately, the Indians inhabiting North America were pushed to near extinction by the late 1600s. Their population was reduced to fewer than 1,000,000 as opposed to the 10,000,000 strong before the arrival of Columbus. 17.) The statement made means that in order for the human race to make significant progress, sacrifices must be made, but those who are being sacrificed don’t get to decide whether or not sacrifice is necessary. In the context of the first chapter of Zinn’s book, the Indians were the ones being sacrificed, and obviously, they weren’t able to decide whether or not they were to be sacrificed. 18.) Zinn attempts to prove that the Indians were not inferior to the Europeans by showing how they had many social structures, they were civilized, and, in some ways, were more admirable than the Europeans. Zinn even states that â€Å"human relations were more egalitarian than in Europe.†Chapter 2: 1.) The root of slavery in America came from the disposition of those who took over the land of the IndiansShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Howard Zinn s The United States 1224 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"There is an underside to every age about which history does not often speak, because history is written from records left by the privileged.†― Howard Zinn, A People s History of the United States Zinn once remarked, â€Å"Objectivity is impossible and it is also undesirable. That is, if it were possible it would be undesirable, because if you have any kind of a social aim, if you think history should serve society in some way; should serve the progress of the human race; should serve justice in someRead MoreInterpretivism7441 Words  | 30 Pagessurprising regularity: Feminist research takes a variety of legitimate forms; there is no â€Å"distinctive feminist method of research†(Harding, 1987; see also Chafetz, 2004a, 2004b; Fonow Cook, 2005; Hawkesworth, 2006; Hesse-Biber, 2007; Risman, Sprague, Howard, 1993; and Sprague, 2005). And yet, to this day, the relationship between feminist theory and quantitative social science research remains uneasy. Among feminist scholars, quantitative research is often seen as suspect for its association with positivismRead MoreLincoln and the Abolitionists Essay5776 Words  | 24 Pagesstill believed that the human mind is impelled to action, or held in rest by some power, over which the mind itself has no control. And he continued all through his life to retain a vivid sense of a Superintending amp; overruling Providence that guides and controls the operation of the world. This Providence might be a personality of sorts, for all that Lincoln knew. But he spoke of Providence more often in faceless terms, as though Providence was more akin to natural law. In that way,Read More My Friend Hamilton -Who I shot Essay6642 Words  | 27 Pagespreponderance of the evidence.†It also preserves what the Hamilton advocates care about most; namely, Hamilton’s stated intention not to fire at Burr.†Cf. Ellis, â€Å"The Duel,†252-253 n.16. 32 Ellis, â€Å"The Duel,†30. Ellis also tried to answer the oft-asked question of why these men dueled, writing that â€Å"Burr challenged Hamilton, and Hamilton concluded he could not refuse the challenge without staining his honor.†This argument is of course similar to those proposed by Rorabaugh andRead MoreThe Extent to Which Labor Unions Can Influence Human Resrouce Practices in Bahrain18120 Words  | 73 Pagesregion. Another limitation was the difficulty to reach and contact union leaders selected for the sample. Leaders had to be called many times to get an appointment for interview due to their responsibilities. Last but not least, this study was based on answer given by ten randomly selected union leaders. Further investigation can replicate this study at a micro level, by applying this study to all labor unions in Bahrain and gathering data from managers and the Human Resource Departments. 3 2. LITERATURE
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Erikson s Psychosocial Theory Personality - 924 Words
Life Span Development involves a process of age-related changes that individuals go through beginning from birth though old age. Individuals can undergo physical, psychological, behavioral, and social changes that can impact the development of personality. According to Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory personality evolves through several stages of development (Zastrow Kirst-Ashman, 2015). One of the benefits of having a cross-cultural perspective in regards to life span development is that it allows practitioners to see the â€Å"various cultural values, beliefs, and practices†of clients, that can change during the course of a person’s life (Zastrow Kirst-Ashman, 2015). For practitioners, it is crucial to stay updated with relevant cultural information about the populations that they serve. Pepitone (2000) found that, in studies, comparisons that aim to support hypothesis use â€Å"convenient national samples†that do not reflect or take into account the di versity of populations, which is a limitation. Using a cross-cultural approach in human development and research can increase the representation of a population’s diversity. King, Oakes, Furrow (2013) found that one of the most common obstacles is finding methods that measure how culture can affect development. Researchers also found that exemplar research methods that use both quantitative and qualitative procedures show effective results for discovering both individual and general laws or traits findings (King, Oakes, Show MoreRelatedErikson s Psychosocial Theory : Development Of Ego Identity1293 Words  | 6 PagesZoi Arvanitidis 05/16/17 ECEE-310 Dr.Alkins Studying Erikson’s Psychosocial theory Erik Erikson was a student of another theorist, Sigmund Freud. Erikson expanded on Freud’s psychosexual theory. Erikson later developed the psychosocial theory. This theory described the effect of one’s social experiences throughout one’s whole lifespan. One of the main elements of Erikson’s psychosocial theory is the development of ego identity. Ego identity is the conscious sense of self that we developRead MoreThe Boys Building A Racetrack1207 Words  | 5 Pagesthe racetrack. Erik Erikson was a student of Sigmund Freud unlike Freud, Erikson considerably focused on the social environment in a person s psychological development. Erikson’s theory is the psychosocial theory of personality development. It is important to understand a small percentage of what Sigmund Freud studied in his line of work to fully understand what Erik Erikson accomplished. Freud liked to talk about how nature and nurture contribute to the structure of personality. There are three aspectsRead MoreErik Erikson s Theory Of Psychosocial Development884 Words  | 4 PagesErik Erikson Erik Erikson was born June 15, 1902. Erikson is best-known for his famous theory of psychosocial development and the concept of the identity crisis. His theories marked an important shift in thinking on personality; instead of focusing simply on early childhood event, his psychosocial theory looked at how social influences contribute to personality throughout the entire lifespan. Erik Erikson died May 12, 1994 due to prostate cancer. (Erik Erikson, 2015). Stages of Psychosocial DevelopmentRead MoreApplication Of The Personality Theories Developed By Erik Erikson And Raymond Cattell1724 Words  | 7 PagesApplication of the Personality Theories Developed by Erik Erikson and Raymond Cattell â€Å"Personality is made up of the characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that make a person unique. It arises from within the individual and remains fairly consistent throughout life†(Cherry, 2014). My personality is influenced from my specific circumstances, my upbringing, and it is represented best through the theorists of Erik Erikson and Raymond Cattell. In specific circumstances my behaviorRead MoreErik Erikson s Theory Of Psychosocial Development Essay1177 Words  | 5 Pages Erik Erikson was born in Greman in 1902-1994, American psychoanalyst; known for psychosocial theory of emotional development of human beings. His theory looks at the impact of parents and society on personality development from childhood to adulthood. Erikson believes, each person has to pass through a series of eight stages over there entire life cycle. I will look at the first 3 stages that cover the childhood years. There are set of conflict at each stage, which allows individual to developRead MoreComparing Erikson and Marcias Psychosocial Theory of Identity and Tajfels Social Identity Theory1766 Words  | 7 PagesPsycho-social theory of Identity and Tajfels Social Identity theory Introduction of theorists: Erikson: Eriksons description of the eight stages of life has a lot of appeal, and Erikson himself was described in the early 1980s as the fifth most influential psychologist of the century (Gilgen, 1982). Much research has been done on predictions made by Eriksons theory, especially the adolescent crisis of identify vs. role confusion. Erikson is one of the few famous personality theorists whoRead MorePsychology Life Spans1433 Words  | 6 PagesNAME. PSY : Personality Theories Argosy University Development throughout the Lifespan The development of our personalities throughout our lifespan can be broken down into various stages when considering Erikson’s approach to psychology development. Each person moves through these stages during life, which directly affects his or her success in the next stage. The personality is being built and shaped at each stage. The first step is to summarize what was learned about the psychosocial developmentRead MoreTheories And Theory Of Psychosocial Development Essay1255 Words  | 6 Pages 1 Theories Theorist Tiffany Leaf Walden University Dr. Thomas Russo RSCH – 61007-6 Research Theory Life is full of many experiences and challenges which help individuals to grow and become better people. There has been tons of research to better understand how and why humans develop and grow the way they do. Among the many theories and therapist in the field of psychology, I have chosen psychosexual and psychosocial development to provide basic tenetsRead MoreErik Erikson s Psychosocial Theory On Child Development1388 Words  | 6 PagesErik Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory on Child Development Erik Erikson, a well known developmental theorist, developed his theory about stages of human development from birth to death by using Freud s work as a starting point. According to Erikson, personality develops in a series of stages. Erikson found out that children experience conflicts which affect their development. He described the internal conflict which children go through in developmental stages using the term ‘crisis’ and are based onRead MoreErik Erikson s Explanation Of Psychosocial Development1504 Words  | 7 PagesErik Erikson s explanation of psychosocial development is one of the best-known theories of personality in psychology. The term psychosocial development is the pattern of change in emotions, personality and social relationship (â€Å"A Child’s World†10). Erikson believed that the achievements and failures of earlier stages influence later stages, whereas later stages change and transform earlier ones. His theory shows the impact on social relationships throughout one’s entire life. Each individual
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Video Business Model Innovation
Question: Discuss about theVideo for Business Model Innovation. Answer: Introduction: Business Model Innovation Key Ideas of Video The major ideas of this video are totally relate to the business model innovation. In this video, it is illustrated that innovative business model is essential for the success as well as growth of each and every organization. Along with this, with the help of this video, it is also extracted that a business firm must adopt and implement innovative ideas as well as strategies to accomplish the competitive advantages in an effective and a more comprehensive manner. Moreover, it is also observed that, most of the organizations used innovation in order to offer superior services than other competitive business firms. In addition to this, business model innovation is very helpful for the business associations. It is because of it is very simple and does not require new technologies to improve the productivity, profitability, and brand image of the firms in the international market (HSGUniStGallen. 2013). Apart from this, business model innovation only motivates the business associations t o present the existing products as well as services to the customers in a more innovative way. Furthermore, business model innovation offers unique changes as well advantages to each and every organization. At the same time, it is also found out that, innovation plays an important role in order to improve the customer value, to condense the organizational costs, and to build competitive advantages for the growth as well as success of the businesses. Moreover, there are some fallacies linked to business model innovation that are not right. Business organizations must ignore these misconceptions and only focus on business model innovation in order to accomplish desired outcomes and to achieve competitive advantages in an effective and an appropriate manner. Application of Key Ideas It is well known that in todays complex and competitive business environment, most of the organizations has implemented business model innovation in order to achieve competitive advantages in an effective way. In opposite to this, it is also true that most of the organizations are still unaware and do not know the importance of business model innovation for the business organizations. Nokia is a major example of this. So, according to me, Nokia must adopt and implement the major ideas related to business model innovation for the success and growth of the organizations. In recent years, the productivity and profitability of Nokia has been declined rapidly (HSGUniStGallen. 2013). In other words, it can be said that, it has become very difficult to Nokia to stand in front of its competitors such as: Samsung, Apple Inc. and so on. The main reason behind it is that the competitors of Nokia are using innovative strategies to attract new customers and to retain their existing customers in a n effective way. In current, the users of Nokia are unable to enjoy Pokmon Go, Prisma, and so on apps due to lake of innovation. For that reason, I believe that Nokia mustadopt and implement business model innovation to improve the productivity, profitability, and to retain its customers in an effective and a significant manner. Pankaj Ghemawat: CAGE Framework To Evaluate International Trade Opportunities Key Ideas of Video In this video, Pankaj Ghemawat demonstrates the importance of the CAGE framework for the success and growth of the business organizations at the global level. On the basis of the video, it should be noted down that, the CAGE (cultural, administrative, geographic, and economic) framework plays a significant role in order to provide trade opportunities to the business firms. Moreover, it is also extracted that business organizations only need to use the CAGE framework effectively in order to evaluate trade opportunities for the expansion of the business in the global market (Carlson School of Management. 2015). On the other hand, the CAGE framework make out cultural, administrative, geographic and economic distances between nations that business firms must address at what time developing international strategies. Furthermore, the CAGE framework is also valuable in order to comprehend trade patterns, capital, people flows and information of other nations in an effective way. The CAGE fr amework is also helpful to organization in order to recognize and evaluate the impact of distance on the businesses. For that reason, business firms should take help of the CAGE framework to understand the culture as well as economic of other nation and also work accordingly to take advantages of trade opportunities in an appropriate way. The CAGE framework also plays a major role in order to remove trade barriers between nations (Carlson School of Management. 2015). In this way, it is essential that business firm must adopt the CAGE framework in order to evaluate as well as capture trade opportunities in an effective and a more comprehensive manner. Application of Key Ideas It is true that in todays globalized business era, the CAGE framework is important for the business organization. The main reason behind it is that, with the help of the CAGE framework, business organizations would be able to know the cultural, administrative, geographic, and economic difference between nations. For that reason, I believe that Dominos Pizza Enterprises should also take help of the CAGE framework in order to expand its business in the international market in an effective and a more comprehensive manner (Carlson School of Management. 2015). Along with this, the CAGE framework would be beneficial for the firm in order to diminish the geographical distance and also to reduce the cultural as well as trade barriers effectively. In addition, Dominos Pizza Enterprises face a lot of problem when it makes efforts to enter in the marketplace of the other nation. It is because of the economy and culture of that nation creates trade barriers to the firm. In this situation, Domino s Pizza Enterprises must take advantage of the CAGE framework to understand the economy and culture of other nation and to do business in that nation accordingly. As a result, according to me, Dominos Pizza Enterprises must adopt and implement the CAGE framework in order to evaluate trade opportunities and to remove trade barriers for the growth and success of the firm in the global market. References Carlson School of Management (2015). Pankaj Ghemawat: CAGE framework to evaluate international trade opportunities. Available At: [Accessed on: 23rd August, 2016] HSGUniStGallen (2013). Business Model Innovation. Available At: [Accessed on: 23rd August, 2016]
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Sofa Wars Essays - Patent Medicines, Coca-Cola, Kosher Food, Pepsi
Sofa Wars The soft-drink battleground has now turned toward new overseas markets. While once the United States, Australia, Japan, and Western Europe were the dominant soft-drink markets, the growth has slowed down dramatically, but they are still important markets for Coca-Cola and Pepsi. Globalization has become an important word in the 90's and Eastern Europe, Mexico, China, Saudi Arabia, and India have become the new "hot spots." Both Coca-Cola and Pepsi are forming joint bottling ventures in these nations and in other areas where they see growth potential. As we have seen in the Japanese video dealing with Coke's business in class, international marketing can be very complex. As I begin to examine the international soda wars this will become very evident. The domestic cola war between Coca-Cola and Pepsi is still raging, as we clearly know. However, these two soft-drink giants also recognize the opportunities for globalization in many of the international markets. Both! Coca-Cola, which sold 10 billion cases of soft-drinks in 1992, and Pepsi now find themselves asking, "Where will sales of the next 10 billion cases come from?" The answer lies overseas, where income levels and appetites for Western products are at an all time high. Often, the company that gets into a foreign market first usually dominates that country's market. Coke patriarch Robert Woodruff realized this 50 years ago and unleashed a brilliant ploy or in a way a very simple global strategyto make Coke the early bird in many of the major foreign markets. At the height of World War II, Woodruff proclaimed that ?Wherever American boys were fighting, they'd be able to get a [emailprotected] By the time Pepsi tried to make its first international pitch in the 50s, Coke had already established its brand name and a powerful distribution network. During the last 40 years, many new markets have emerged. In order to profit from these markets, both Coke and Pepsi need to find ways to cut through all of the red tape that initially prevents them from conducting business in these markets. One key movement for the soda wars occurd in Europe in 1972, Pepsi signed an agreement with the Soviet Union which made it the first Western product to be sold to consumers in Russia. This landmark agreement gave Pepsi the first advantage. Presently, Pepsi has 23 plants in the former Soviet Union and is the leader in the soft-drink industry in Russia. Pepsi outsells Coca-Cola by 6 to 1 and is seen as a local brand, similar to Coke's reputation in Japan. However, Pepsi has also had some problems. There has not been an increase in brand loyalty for Pepsi since its advertising blitz in Russia, even though it has produced commercials tailored to the Russian market and has sponsored television concerts. On the positive side, Pepsi may be leading Coca-Cola due to the big difference in price between the two colas. While Pepsi sells for Rb250 (25 cents) a bottle, Coca-Cola sells for Rb450. For the economy size, Pepsi sells 2 liters for Rb1,300, but Coca-Cola sells 1.5 liters fo! r Rb1,800. Coca-Cola, on the other hand, only moved into Russia 2 years ago and is manufactured locally in Moscow and St. Petersburg under a license. Despite investing $85 million in these two bottling plants, they do not perceive Coca-Cola as a premium brand in the Russian market. Moreover, they see it as a "foreign" brand in Russia. Lastly, while Coca-Cola's bottle and label give it a high-class image, it is unable to capture market share. Another country in the hot battleground for Coca-Cola and Pepsi is Romania. When Pepsi established a bottling plant in Romania in 1965, it became the first US product produced and sold in the region. Pepsi began producing locally during the communist period and has recently decided to reformat its organization structure and retrain its local staff. Pepsi entered into a joint venture with a local firm, Flora and Quadrant, for its Bucharest plant, and has 5 other factories in Romania. Quadrant leases Pepsi the equipment and handles Pepsi's distribution. In addition, Pepsi bought 500 Romanian trucks which are also used for distribution in other countries. Moreover, Pepsi produces its bottles locally through an investment in the glass
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
IGCSE English Paper 3 Model answers Essay Example
IGCSE English Paper 3 Model answers Essay IGCSE English Paper 3 Model answers BY Anusha291098 Description of a sunny day:- The freshly watered grass gleams as if it were dotted with sparkling diamonds in the late afternoon day. Beautiful, wild flowers grow untamed and uncultivated on one side of the field while on the other side trees covered the perimeter as far as the eyes could see. A silent stream trickles gently through the clean-cut rocks placed in middle of the field, divided the field into two. Not many knew where to find this sun-dappled, thereal beauty of Gods private chapel and those who did, did not dare to come here for the fear of getting lost from the clearly marked trail. As I lay down on the soft grass I cannot help but wonder how silly people can be, staying away from this beautiful gift provided by nature itself, but at the same time Im glad for the privacy. I place one hand in the stream and watch the water run thorough my fingers, shimmering magically in the fierce sun. Though it seems like Im not the only one njoying this paradise, a shadow looms over me blocking the radiant sun rays. I look up to see a family of four; two parents and their two children trekking in the woods. They mustVe been lost, from the look of their faces. Tear paths show clearly on their mud cover faces and they break out in big smiles when they see me. I stand up, and the mother starts talking, explaining how they got lost in the woods that morning after having wandered what they thought a few meters away from the trail. We will write a custom essay sample on IGCSE English Paper 3 Model answers specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on IGCSE English Paper 3 Model answers specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on IGCSE English Paper 3 Model answers specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer I quickly ive them my canister of orange Juice, which they quickly gulp down hungrily. After theyVe calmed down considerably I give them directions to the highway where theyVe left their car. They thank me profusely and leave with the extra map and compass I always keep with me. What an interesting day! , I think to myself. The sun retreats below the rim of the turning world, creating an aura of mystery and magic. Indigo hues deepen around the mesmerizing and occasionally surprising field that IVe come to love in the few years IVe known it.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Bus 272 Ch 8 Essay
Bus 272 Ch 8 Essay Bus 272 Ch 8 Essay 8 Team Dynamics 1 Canadian OB 9e: McShane/Steen/Tasa What are Teams? Groups of two or more people Exist to fulfill a purpose Interdependent interact and influence each other Mutually accountable for achieving common goals Perceive themselves to be a team Canadian OB 9e: McShane/Steen/Tasa 2 Many Types of Teams Permanence How long that type of team usually exists Skill differentiation Degree of skill/knowledge diversity in the team Authority differentiation Degree that decision-making responsibility is distributed throughout the team or centralized Canadian OB 9e: McShane/Steen/Tasa 3 Informal Groups Groups that exist primarily for the benefit of their members Reasons why informal groups exist: 1. Innate drive to bond 2. Social identity 3. Goal accomplishment 4. Emotional support Canadian OB 9e: McShane/Steen/Tasa 4 Team Advantages/Challenges Advantages 1. Make better decisions, products/services 2. Better information sharing 3. Increase employee motivation/engagement Challenges 1. Process losses 2. Brook’s Law 3. Social loafing Canadian OB 9e: McShane/Steen/Tasa 5 Team Effectiveness Model Team States Norms Organizational and Team Environment Rewards Communication Org structure Org leadership Physical space Cohesion Team Efficacy Team Trust Team Design Accomplish tasks Task characteristics Satisfy member needs Team size Team composition Team Processes Team development Team norms Team cohesiveness Team trust Time and Team Development Canadian OB 9e: McShane/Steen/Tasa Team Effectiveness 6 Maintain team survival Organization/Team Environment Organizational and Team Environment Rewards Communication Org structure Org leadership Physical space Canadian OB 9e: McShane/Steen/Tasa 7 Best Tasks for Teams Complex tasks divisible into specialized roles 2. Well-structured tasks – easier to coordinate 3. Higher task interdependence 1. Team members must share materials, information, or expertise to perform their jobs Teams are usually better because high interdependence But teams less effective if task goals differ – use other coordinating mechanisms Canadian OB 9e: McShane/Steen/Tasa 8 Best Tasks for Teams Team Design Task characteristics Team size Team composition Teams better for tasks that are: sufficiently complex (require teamwork) can be divided into more specialized roles requiring frequent coordination well-structured (easier to coordinate) Teams preferred with higher task interdependence Extent that employees need to share materials, information, or expertise to perform their jobs. Canadian OB 9e: McShane/Steen/Tasa 9 Team Design Levels of Task Interdependence Task characteristics Team size Team composition High A Reciprocal B A Sequential B C Resource Pooled A Low Canadian OB 9e: McShane/Steen/Tasa C 10 B C Team Design Team Size Task characteristics Team size Team composition Smaller teams are better because: less process loss more engaged with team get to know each other feel more responsible for team’s success But team must be large enough to accomplish task Canadian OB 9e: McShane/Steen/Tasa 11 Team TeamDesign Design Team Composition Task characteristics Team size Team composition Effective team members must be willing and able to work on the team Effective team members possess specific competencies (5 C’s in diagram) Canadian OB 9e: McShane/Steen/Tasa Conflict Resolving Diagnose conflict sources Use best conflicthandling strategy Team Member Competencies Comforting Show empathy Provide psych comfort Build confidence 12 Coordinating Align work with others Keep team on track Communicating Share information freely, efficiently, respectfully Listen actively Team Composition: Diversity Team Design Task characteristics Team size Team composition Team members have diverse knowledge, skills, perspectives, values, etc. Advantages
Thursday, November 21, 2019
SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT AND CONCEPT Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT AND CONCEPT - Case Study Example The company has a number of options for solving its problem including resourcing the bottles from a different supplier, or inviting Deerfield to set up a small plant nearby, most of which do not meet the selection criteria set. On this regard, the most feasible option is establishing its own moulding machinery and to hire the appropriate expertise, to integrate bottle production with their filling line because it would yield higher returns on investment in the long-term. Defining the problem or issue Crowning Glory Limited, a private company that has grown in leaps and bounds over the past 20 becoming a major supplier of hair-care products to the dressing table has recently contemplated the supply of products to the retail market. Therefore, the company has struck a partnership deal to supply their Crowning Glory Shampoo to a retailer, which involves shipping large quantities of their product to the retailer’s regional distribution centres. To expand their production and sales , the company will need large quantities of blow-moulded bottles, which its current supplier Deerfield, whose plant is located 200 kilometres away, would be willing to supply. However, Crowning Glory Limited will incur higher packaging costs in shipping large volumes of fresh air, which is a large proportion of the cost of producing small bottles of shampoo. In this regard, for the company to diversify its product base cost effectively, it needs to get the blow-moulded bottles at a lower and feasible cost. Analysis of the case data with focus on causes and effects A rapidly growing company like Crowning Glory Limited has to think about expanding its customer base and diversifying its product market in the most efficient way, to achieve optimum benefits while limiting costs because as global markets expand, so does competition. This makes supply chain management, which is the management of information and material flows both in and between facilities (Douglas and Griffin, 1996), an i ssue of concern to companies today (Wisner, Tan, and Leong, 2012). This company has achieved massive recognition due to its high-end product that has become popular with users leading to a serious need to expand its distribution, to meet the rising demand for its product, and to take market leadership. The company is anticipating to launch Crowning Glory brand through retail trade, in addition to contracting other major retailers for own brand products; this will call for the establishment of a supply chain that will be both responsive and cost effective. The company needs to ensure that their product reaches a wider market on time and cost effectively, to take advantage of short lead times over its competitors in the industry. In this regard, the company needs to rethink its supply chain strategy, which involves restructuring its distribution lines to get rid of unnecessary steps that could potentially lead to disruptions in the supply chain (Sodhi, and Tang, 2012). It is no longer feasible for the company to acquire moulded-bottles from its current supplier due to cost implications, and possible delays in packaging, which could stall the supply chain. Current Supply Chain and Product range Characteristics Future Supply Chain and Product range Characteristics A fully flexible product focus production with an emphasis on a specific line as opposed to different lines of product An agile cycle Inventory strategy, enough to satisfy demand for the product A continuous replenishment location strategy, with facilities in fewer
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