Thursday, August 27, 2020
World War II :: World War II History
World War II The Treaty of Versailles floundered to recuperate the unpleasant chaos that framed between nations in World War I. It left Germany in a horrible position and gave them a craving for tyranny. Germany had been requested to incapacitate its military and put severe guidelines on when and how the Germans could rearm. In 1931, Adolf Hitler came to control in Germany. He later dismissed the bargain and set up military enrollment. Mussolini likewise became despot of Italy, while this was happening. He chose to attack Ethiopia in 1935. Since Ethiopia had lesser force than that of Italy's, they became under complete Italian control. The updates on Germany's rearmament before long arrived at France. Hitler at that point got keen on joining the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics so as to ensure its security. He at that point pushed his arrangement for lebensraum and added Austria forcibly in 1938. Following this, Hitler undermined Czechoslovakia, requesting oppression of the German minorities there. Hitler and Mussolini consented to the Germans control of Sudentenland in September 1938. At that point in March 1939, harmony separated when Hitler vanquished the remainder of Czechoslovakia. He soon a while later began to make requests to Poland, yet they opposed every step of the way. Despite the contention with Britain and France, Hitler chose to attack Poland. Consequently, Great Britain and France announced war on Germany on September 3, 1939. Hitler made a declaration to begin a settlement with the Soviet Union. As the Germans involved Poland, the Soviets attacked the eastern piece of the nation with plans to take Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania in 1940. They additionally took Finland in 1941 and disrespect the Russian military. Japan was likewise changing things in the Pacific. They had plans to overcome China and grow the Japanese Empire into southeast Asia. As this was going on, the Germans adopted on a strategy of quick assault, or helping war. Since the Germans had no old weapons to manage, they could without much of a stretch outfit their soldiers with the best of weapons. Hitler at that point endeavored to deal with the British Royal Air Force and get ready for an intrusion, however the British effectively crushed the German aviation based armed forces. Toppled with his destruction to take Britain, Hitler went to the Soviet front, however was crushed also in 1942. In 1941, the Japanese idea it was the correct chance to venture into Greater East Asia. The assaults on Pearl Harbor and the Philippines carried the United States into the war and turned the war for the Allies.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Lisa Harvey-Smith on the Ska Mega-Telescope Free Essays
Lisa Harvey-Smith on the SKA Mega-Telescope †Multiple Choice Questions 1. With current logical innovation, it is inferred that __% of our realized issue is Baryonic matter, __% is Dark Matter, while __% is Dark Energy. A. We will compose a custom paper test on Lisa Harvey-Smith on the Ska Mega-Telescope or on the other hand any comparative point just for you Request Now 33, 27, 40 B. 7, 23, 70 C. 4, 23, 73 D. 9, 25, 66 2. Likewise called the National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center, the Arecibo Observatory is the world’s biggest single-gap radio telescope. It is situated in ______. A. Mexico B. Iceland C. Jamaica D. Puerto Rico 3. The primary picture at any point made was an oval formed portrayal of the early universe, explicitly the inestimable microwave foundation radiation. The extreme blue, green, yellow and red tones delineate ______. A. Vacillations in temperature B. Infrared satellite information C. Sound waves D. Enormous convergences of dim vitality 4. The world’s first shrewd radio telescope got radio waves from the ______, at that point got similar signs ricocheted off the ocean. This was useful to make fine pinpoint pictures of radio sources outside of our own system. A. Skyline B. Mountains C. Environment D. Icy masses 5. The world’s biggest optical telescope is situated on a mountain in the Canary Islands. Equipped for making flawlessly point by point photos of the sky, this specific telescope has a gigantic mirror ofjust over __ meters over. A. 6 B. 8 C. 10 D. 12 6. The Australian telescope compacting beam, made out of 6 radio telescopes took over ____ long periods of watching and a 400 picture mosaic to make a strong image of the universe. A. 120 B. 1200 C. 12000 D. 120000 7. Inside the mid 1900’s, Albert Einstein inferred that reality really twists around specific items with gravitational draw and mass. This can be envisioned by the examination of ______ . A. A puck hitting a net and the net bowing to oblige the power B. The stretch of elastic band and the snapping influence C. The arrival of a boomerang D. The twisting of metal as it is warmed 8. The Hubble Telescope is a little telescope, however it is viable for growing clear pictures on the grounds that there are no _____ mutilations, in contrast with on-earth telescopes. A. Ultra-Violet B. Photon C. Winged creature and untamed life D. Climatic 9. Researchers won the Noble prize for finding that the Universe is growing at a rate a lot quicker than recently envisioned. There are a few names used to depict this extension impact, yet the most acknowledged is ______. A. Core B. Vacuum Energy C. Cosmological Constant D. Dull Energy 10. There are a few issues with growing new Radio Telescopes, one of these difficulties is defeating obstruction and finding an area without human action. Be that as it may, a spot without human action is additionally dangerous in light of the fact that ___________. A. The area is excessively far for researchers and space experts to drive B. There are no enormous force stations to produce the power required to work telescopes C. With such a significant stretch from progress, it will set aside a long effort to transmit data D. Crisis groups won't have the option to make it in time on account of a crisis The most effective method to refer to Lisa Harvey-Smith on the Ska Mega-Telescope, Essay models
Friday, August 21, 2020
How to Find the Best Descriptive Essay Ideas
How to Find the Best Descriptive Essay IdeasThe main thing that you should be aware of when you are writing a descriptive essay is to avoid any mistakes that can spoil the flow of your composition. It is very important to keep in mind that your descriptive essay must not only be interesting, but it must also be clear, lucid and precise. It is important that you realize that your descriptive essay has to be designed for you. It must be based on your interests and traits.Descriptive essay ideas and topics are often an excellent way to get yourself into the mood of writing. There are a lot of ways in which you can write a descriptive essay. One way is to find descriptive essay ideas online. There are a lot of good websites out there that have descriptive essay ideas. You can choose to read and listen to others' experiences about what other people are talking about.Reading books and articles about writing is also a very valuable way of obtaining descriptive essay ideas. Try to figure out what they are saying that can benefit you. If you are to follow that advice, you will find that this method of learning about writing is a very useful one.Writing about your interests can give you lots of descriptive essay ideas. You may even consider studying something about the topic that you are interested in. This can give you a clearer idea about how to go about making your topic work for you.The next most useful way to find descriptive essay ideas is to visit forums and websites that are about writing. There are a lot of helpful topics that you can explore on these sites.You may also decide to visit the websites of publishers that offer descriptive essay ideas. You will be able to find all kinds of excellent ideas from writing professional looking descriptions to doing more research and understanding subject matter. Usinga creative process, you will come up with more ideas and you will be able to learn more about what it takes to make a truly well-written and clear descriptiv e essay.You might also try to find descriptive essay ideas from various places on the Internet. You can ask other writers what they think about writing. If you are searching for a specific topic, you can search the Internet for ideas. But you need to be aware that this kind of method is not always successful.Social media is a great way to find inspiration and other resources that can help you get the best descriptive essay ideas. Social media is a place where you can not only learn about other people's experiences, but you can also see photos of people who share the same interests as you. You will be able to meet people who share the same interest as you. This can help you to come up with many descriptive essay ideas that you can use to craft the perfect composition.
Monday, May 25, 2020
With Tuition Costs at an all Time High, Is College Really...
Since infancy, parents are always encouraging their children to go to college and become a professional. But in this new age economic crisis, is college really worth it? Tuition costs are rising to a criminally high price have everyone arguing. Is college really a good investment? Well in a very short way, Yes it is. An investment that makes you 500,000 to a million dollar lifetime payout is uncomparable. In the end, today an average college graduate will make far more over the course of his or her life than the average high-school graduate who doesnt attend college. This in itself should be enough, but theres also a priceless benefit of college. Going to college has been proven to give overall higher life satisfaction. This is why†¦show more content†¦This far out pays its upfront price which can be around 40-150k. In the end you will make more money and the investment will make sense.We know college is far overpriced and not for everyone but if youre dedicated and get acce pted to a decent college, why not make the investment and go ? A degree is something you can never loose in a gamble or bad investment, it stays forever. It has been proved that higher education can also lead to a higher sense of satisfaction to ones health. In the article â€Å"Priceless: The Nonpecuniary Benefits of Schooling†It is explained how the lifestyle and outcome of a person with more than 16 years of schooling will lead a more satisfied life. Non pecuniary means the benefits that have nothing to do with money, something thats priceless. In this article many examples are made when it comes to priceless benefits, and are going to explain a few. Health is a very big one, it surprised me and assured me i was correct. people that never even graduated high school 20 percent have very good health, finishing high school gives you a 10 percent bump, in the end going to highschool and even more have a 50 percent chance of having a very good health. This in itself is an enormous discovery, if going to school helps people health to over 50 percent, thats priceless. Another priceless advantage of going to college overall life satisfaction. This is a very deep topic in which personalShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay1334 Words  | 6 PagesMs. Meyer AP English 11 February 22, 2013 Is it really worth going to college, owing hundreds of dollars in order to get a degree in a profession to become successful and experienced in the real world? Today, as tuition costs increase students are questioning whether college is fit for them or not. For one, college can be really expensive, for example at the University of Minnesota for an undergraduate during the academic year of 2011-2012, the cost for one credit was $448.08 and $5,825 for a totalRead MoreIs College Worth The Money?991 Words  | 4 Pagesuniversities and colleges as of the fall of 2015 (â€Å"Back to School Statistics†). Students around the country are paying thousands upon thousands of dollars to receive a degree in a field of their choice, where they may or may not be able to use to find work once they graduate. Is college really worth the money? Is it worth putting ourselves tens of thousands of dollars in debt to receive a diploma that doesn’t guarantee a job after graduating? I believe it isn’t. I believe that driving up the cost of educationRead MoreCost Benefits of Attending College1082 Words  | 5 PagesCollege is one of the better investments a person can make to enhance their life. Attending college sets you in the right direction to become a successful individual in the future. Yes, college takes time, and a great deal of money, but in the end it is all worth it. People who graduate from college are more likely to obtain a high end paying job than a person with just a high school education. The cost of attending college may be expensive, but, the outcome of it all is worth the wait. The mostRead MoreCollege Education Essay1364 Words  | 6 PagesIs College Still Worth it ? Since their childrens infancy parents have always encouraged their children to go to college and become a professional. But in this new age economic crisis, is college really worth it? Tuition costs are rising to a criminally high price has everyone arguing. Is college really a good investment? Well in a very short way, yes it is. An investment that makes you 500,000 to a million dollar lifetime payout is uncomparable. In the end, today an average college graduate willRead MoreIs A College Education Worth The Cost?1283 Words  | 6 PagesIs a College Education Worth the Cost? Have you ever just stopped to think about what it must be like to be â€Å"qualified†for a job yet be unemployed and homeless? Starving on the streets because you paid everything you had to an institution that was supposed to guarantee a better life, a more stable and successful career. Obviously this is an extreme case, not everyone who pays for college ends up living on the streets and broke, but almost every college graduate is in debt. For as long as collegeRead MoreGraduation Speech Over College Education Essay1686 Words  | 7 PagesOver the years, there has been a great deal of debate over college education and it’s worth to society and the students who is currently contemplating where they should go or not. In addition, the question of cost, and just how expensive college has become over the last decade has come to attention. It is clear that Americans and important figureheads have argued over whether the benefits of attending college outweigh the benefits of just high school diploma or another type of post-secondary schoolingRead MoreThe Cost Benefits Of Higher Education1264 Words  | 6 Pagesexpected from attending college and to some it has made them worst off. And, because of those negative outcomes advocated like Goldie Blumenstyk the author of â€Å"American Higher education in Crisis†explains why it happens and what to think of them. There are many complaints regarding higher education such as, the high expenses of attending, not being able to find a job, to much time being invested, and many more. With that being said, is it really worth attending college? To evaluate those concernRead MoreShould College Tuition Be Paid?981 Words  | 4 PagesTuition fees have always been a complaint to people who are paying and attending college, most say it is too expensive, some say it should be free. Is that a good way to go? Making college something that anyone could attend? Some say that free college would allow students that are less fortunate, wealth wise, to attend college and have hope for a better future. College plays a very important role in the economy and in my opinion, I certainly believe that college tuition is there for certain reasonsRead MoreThe Cost Of An Education937 Words  | 4 PagesThe cost of an education in America has steadily increased over the last decade making it near impossible for some to even dream of furthering their education. We have placed such a big significance on this piece of paper that even with the experience in hand you may not even be looked at for a job without a degree. On the same note you may receive a glance but miss the opportunity because of a lack of experience. A person must sit back and think will the rewards of furthering my education outweighRead MoreCollege Is A Waste Of Time And Money1096 Words  | 5 Pages The amount of money spent on one year alone of college can break someone’s heart. For most people college gets them to where they want to be, but with hard work and dedication going to work right after high school can take you a long way. Getting out of high school and starting a career early might be what some people want, but college is always an option with all the help they have today. College is a waste of time and money for a couple reasons. The fact that you spend 13 years in school just
Friday, May 15, 2020
War Affected Children And Mental Health Issues - 1417 Words
War-affected Children and Mental Health Issues: Rough Draft When you think of who is affected by war, who comes to mind? Your immediate gut instinct will take you to thoughts about the individual involved in that war. It will make you think about all the awful things they must have encountered during their time at war. You’re not wrong for thinking this. I just want you to take a step back and look at the whole picture. Although most people believe the trauma from war is confined strictly to military personnel, there are war-affected children that are left with many physical, psychosocial, educational, and safety needs. There are two questions you need to ask yourself when you are thinking about children and the trauma of war; what happens to these children physically, psychosocially, educationally, and their safety needs? Does anyone really know about what steps are being taken in order to protect these children? As author Werner (2012) stated, â€Å"The evidence that exis ts suggests that younger children may exhibit more acute symptoms of distress in response to separation from their caregivers; older children may be more traumatized because of their higher exposure to violence and their greater awareness of the negative consequences of armed conflict,†(p.553, para. 4). There are a very few protective factors that have proven successful in overcoming domestic adversaries. Such protective factors are based on the bond between the child and the primary caregiver, around theShow MoreRelatedEffectiveness Of Psychiatric Programs For Children Essay1325 Words  | 6 Pages Children in crisis are at a higher risk of developing mental health issues due to traumatic experiences. Several interventions are available to reduce the effects of traumatic experiences on children. In this paper, the effectiveness of psychiatric programs for children in crisis will be investigated. It is hypothesized that psychiatric intervention programs are effective in reducing stress reactions in children in crisis but an holistic approached must be adopted to obtain better results. The followingRead MoreHealth Rights Within The World Health Organization Essay1300 Words  | 6 PagesHEALTH RIGHTS IN CONFLICT/DISASTER CONTEXT According to the World Health Organization, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. The above definition of health by the World Health Organization redefined the concept of health among the different stakeholders involved in safeguarding people’s right to health. Until then health was merely seen as an absence of disease. But this definition helped the world to reimaginingRead MoreThe Catastrophic Effects Of War1058 Words  | 5 Pageseffects of war War is defined as a state of usually open and declared armed hostile conflict between states or nations (Merriam-Webster, Warfare has been a tool used to acquire new lands and resources, defend religious beliefs, and to acquire freedom. Although, warfare maybe unable to avoid, it should not be used carelessly or without deep and thoughtful consideration. There are a number of factors that should be taken into consideration before a declaration of war is even draftedRead MoreThe Deployment Of A Family Member1748 Words  | 7 Pagesa difficult time for loved ones. Currently, families are experiencing the affects of the deployment cycle and it is putting many people under a lot of emotional stress. More than 1.2 billion families have an active-duty parent or spouse (The Long War). Although it affects every family differently, the phases are all the same. Preparing for a family member to leave can be one of the hardest phases of the deployment cycle, this is called â€Å"pre-deployment.†During this time, spouses often find themselvesRead MoreChild Vulnerability and Mental Health Outcomes after Natural Disasters1170 Words  | 5 Pagessignificant impact on all domains of life for affected populations. Children are a particularly vulnerable group to the effects of natural disasters, with unique physical, developmental, and psychosocial characteristics that place them at high risk for adverse outcomes (Murray, 2011). Some of the consequences for children after natural disasters include physical insecurity, poor living conditions and dis placement, and disruption to community life. Numerous children may also be left orphaned after the lossRead MoreWhat Makes A Child Butt Out At Their Parents And Others? Essay1593 Words  | 7 PagesWhat makes a child lash out at their parents and others? Does the impact of war life destroy a veteran’s home? These are questions that medical professions analyze daily in psychological treatments of individuals. Psychological theory is the science that models the understanding of human thoughts, emotions and behaviors (Cherry, 2016). What is Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)? PTSD is a very serious anxiety disorder that occurs in an individual following an unsuspected experience or even by witnessingRead MoreThe American Foundation Of Suicide Prevention935 Words  | 4 Pagesnon-profit organization acknowledges that suicide and mental health problems are part of our society and by understanding this we can better support those in need, and suicide affects a tremendous amount of people and proper education and treatment can prevent people from committing suicide. â€Å"Each year in the United States, suicide claims over 40,000 lives - more than war, murder, and natural disasters combined†¦Suicide is not just a faceless health issue for our society - it affects real people.†(1.)Read MoreHealth Is The Most Important Thing1490 Words  | 6 PagesHealth is the most important thing is this world. Throughout the world one topic that is constantly mentioned is physical, mental health care. Having no where to turn while your health may not be up to par can make it hard for someone to live. As of right now the worst life expectancy country is Sierra Leone. In Sierra a human is not expected to live past the age 46 according to the World Health Organization. One of the reason why the life expectancy is so low is because due to wars that made theRead MoreThe Problem Of Homeless People1280 Words  | 6 Pagesprobably think of a bum who is an addict or alcoholic. Homelessness affects a variety of people. Homelessness as an issue in today s society is largely ignored. The problem of homelessness is barely noticed. The growing population of homeless people is shown that more people are still suffering financial problems and struggling in maintaining their life basis. Many families and children have experienced trauma prior to becoming homeless. Parents are losing their jobs or having exhausted their unemploymentRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )1699 Words  | 7 Pagestraumatic stress disorder has become a problem among veterans returning from the Afghanistan and Iraq war. Even after returning to American soils, veterans are battling with the effects of this mental illness, but who else is suffers from this illness. Family members and caregivers are also affected from PTSD. The soldier, the family member and caregivers once knew before going over sea to war is no longer the same. It can take an emotional toll on someone, whose loved one suffers from PTSD. The
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Applying Concepts From The Health Belief Model - 2340 Words
4. Apply concepts from the Health Belief Model to discuss why some women do not engage in behavior to prevent osteoporosis. In what other settings has the HBM been shown to be useful? Synthesize why the simplicity of the Health Belief Model is both a positive and a negative. Developed in the 1950s, the Health Belief Model (HBM) is a model that attempts to clarify why individuals do not partake in accessible health services by using methods or approaches that directly or indirectly influence positive health behavioral outcomes based on intervention techniques. The concepts of HBM can be applied to why some women do not engage in behaviors to prevent Osteoporosis, for example. Based on the primary constructs of the HBM, there are six main reasons why women may not engage in preventing osteoporosis. The reasons are as follow: 1) belief in that they are not at risk of developing osteoporosis (perceived susceptibility), 2) lack in the belief that actual steps or actions against prevention will be effective (perceived severity), 3) belief in that any medical intervention will not minimize their chances of having osteoporosis in the future (perceived benefits), 4) belief in that financial loss, psychological implications, inconvenience of medical intervention may outweigh the possible benefits of disease prevention (perceived barriers), 5) lack of personal triggers in their day to day lives which encourage them to take action against osteoporosis (cues to action), and 6) lack ofShow MoreRelatedThe Health Belief Model Of College Students807 Words  | 4 PagesIn the 1950’s the health belief model (HBM) was introduced to explain why people who are healthy, continue to participate in activities that keep them free of illness; while others neglect to be involved with healthy activities (Pender, Murdaugh, Parsons, 2015). PubMed was used to find this article with the limitations of an article written in the last five years, humans, and English; the Mesh words used was health belief model. The article Applying the health belief model to college students’Read More Psycho-Social Theory and Nursing Care Essay1015 Words  | 5 Pagespsycho-social aspects in health care is vital (Walker et al, 2007). Those aspects are par ticularly important in nursing care, where an individual should be considered as the entire person with a need for physical, psychological, social, emotional, intellectual and even spiritual wellbeing (Holland et al, 2008). This essay will address psycho-social theory of health beliefs and attitudes in relation to nursing care. The essay will begin by considering how health beliefs lead to health behaviours. It willRead MoreEssay on Health Promotion1354 Words  | 6 PagesHealth promotion and teaching are important tools for nursing. By promoting health and health teaching, nurses can help lay the foundation for a healthier future. Major Concepts and Definitions BeliefÂâ€"a statement of sense, declared or implied, that is intellectually and/or emotionally accepted as true by a person or group. AttitudeÂâ€"a relatively constant feeling, predisposition, or a set of beliefs that is directed toward an object, a person, or a situation. ValueÂâ€"a preferenceRead More Health Promotion and Teaching as Tools for Nursing Essay1325 Words  | 6 Pagesfor a Healthier Future Health promotion and teaching are important tools for nursing. By promoting health and health teaching, nurses can help lay the foundation for a healthier future. Major Concepts and Definitions Belief–a statement of sense, declared or implied, that is intellectually and/or emotionally accepted as true by a person or group. Attitude–a relatively constant feeling, predisposition, or a set of beliefs that is directed toward an objectRead MoreApplication Of Theory For Clinical Nursing Practice1278 Words  | 6 Pagesfor collecting reliable and valid data about the health status of clients, which are essential for effective decision making and implementation. Nursing theory also serves as a guide assessment, interventions, and evaluation of nursing practice. Theories can address important questions for nursing units. Theories can be grand, middle range and practice. Grand theories provide a complex and broad scope and incorporate numerous ways of viewing concepts in nursing. Middle range nursing theories are narrowerRead MoreNursing Philosophy1001 Words  | 5 Pages 2 Nursing philosophy Definitions Philosophy Philosophies encompass a multitude of value statements and beliefs. Philosophies are based on knowledge derived from reality, personal values, existence, reasoning, and relevant presentation of concepts. According to Alligood (2014), they address concepts such as person, environment, health, and nursing. Philosophies are derived from different theoretical works which affirm general ideas pertaining to those works. Philosophies are all basedRead MoreThe Neuman Systems Model Theory1541 Words  | 7 PagesThe Neuman Systems Model Nursing theories serve as thinking guides for nurses to follow in order to reach optimal outcomes for patients. Theories are applied in conjunction with experience one has gained and critical thinking in everyday nursing practice, research, and education. The Neuman Systems Model, which was created by Betty Neuman, is one example of a theory that has been in practice for decades and continues to be modified to reflect new research. When applying the NSM, the nurse focusesRead MoreThe Models Have Different Approaches Towards The Concept Of Nursing Essay1117 Words  | 5 PagesNursing Both models have different approaches towards the concept of nursing. Leininger presented nursing as â€Å"activities directed toward assisting, enabling, and supporting with the cultural beliefs and values of the recipient of care†(Masters, 2014, p. 69). Nursing is a general profession which includes culturally congruent care; nurses provide care for members of diverse cultures. According to JaroÃ… ¡ovà ¡ (2014), nursing is presented by three types of activities which are culturally congruentRead MoreThe Neuman Systems Model Theory1541 Words  | 7 PagesThe Neuman Systems Model Nursing theories serve as thinking guides for nurses to follow in order to reach optimal outcomes for patients. Theories are applied in conjunction with experience one has gained and critical thinking in everyday nursing practice, research, and education. The Neuman Systems Model, which was created by Betty Neuman, is one example of a theory that has been in practice for decades and continues to be modified to reflect new research. When applying the NSM, the nurse focusesRead MoreThe Experience Of Becoming A Family1638 Words  | 7 PagesEndeavoring to become a family health nurse has been a long and rock-strewn journey. Yet, like climbing a mountain with its downfalls and peaks, I have become more astute in managing circumstances and have developed a new understanding of what a family nurse embodies. The purpose of this paper will be to illuminate the experience of becoming a family-oriented nurse and how I utilized my knowledge from Family Health course to achieve this outcome. I will deliberate on an event that summarizes my experience
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Human Resource Management Set of Techniques and Strategies
Question: 1.Evaluate the effectiveness of the activities that are described in the scenario for Pre-Start Preparation, and present a case for how the process should be improved. What changes do you recommend, what specific steps should be addressed before a new employee arrives? Assess the potential for improved productivity if your changes are implemented? 2. Evaluate the effectiveness of the First Day Activities that are described in the scenario, and defend your suggestions for an improved process. (For example, should some of the standard information be offered in e-learning modules? Should new employees spend more of their first day in their new departments, as opposed to a facility-wide orientation? Should there be a schedule for more than one day of orientation?) Include recommendations for specific activities and timelines, feel free to create checklists as an evaluation guide. Assess the potential for improved productivity in your new approach compared to the scenario? Answer: Introduction: Onboarding can be discussed as a set of techniques and strategies which help a new employee to gather knowledge, manners, and skills to become an efficient member of the organization. An effective process of Onboarding is required to retain in employees in the first place. 255 of the employee turnover occur in the first 45 days (Cable et al., 2013). Moreover, to make the employees a greater production with consuming less time, an effective, useful and well thought-out onboarding process is needed. In the given case, the office has providing a valuable, time-consuming onboarding session to the manager. However, it did not make much change to my knowledge and orientation about the office and its management process. After the session, I was left with not enough information and the process and channel of communication to make the best outcome from my end. Rather it made me confused and skeptical about the facilities I am going to obtain. On the other hand, the training sessions were not much helpful as it was done in a hastily manner. I did not get any formal orientation with other employees and the authorities. The session did not also provide me any knowledge about the organizational culture. However, it can be said that this onboarding session was not much helpful to me (Steinmacher et. al., 2014). Now if I make an assessment about the pre-start onboarding session provided to me, I would say that it made me more confused about my job and the position. No formal introduction to the co-workers was made and my manager did not respond to my call. people tends to stay in the job longer when they feel connected to the social group of their work place and their managers make good contacts and mentor them and complement them. In the case of Google, this hired more than 5000 employees in 2012, made a strong social connection to the new comers, to speed up their performance. They named their social group Nooglers (Ross et al., 2014). Pepsico has also launched an employee onboarding community to familiarize the workers with the company and their job role. To obtain better performance in the pre start onboarding the companies can incorporate the techniques of Gamification (Smith, 2014). It helps a company to ensure better employee retention, higher involvement and better alignment between onboarding and learning initiative. The DBS bank provides the facility of online gaming to introduce the employees the organization values, internal systems, growth data, and multiple set up of the company (Rongo Lioy, 2014). These procedures can be integrated to the onboarding process of my company to obtain better knowledge and relation among the employees and the higher authority. Like LOreal, my company can include round table discussions, individual monitoring, providing needed data and HR support so that the employees can regulate the required channels more efficiently (Cable et al., 2013). On the first day, I have had trouble in my workplace. My desk was not prepared, I did not have the required data and I did not know whom I should contact. Then I was left with no option but going to the receptionist to pledge for help. The first day a company should provide orientation to the new comers and they should spend more time in their new departments. They should be provided with training about the process of performing their job roles. These will help them to know their basic regulation, policies and information about the company and the job role. On the first day, the employees should provide the new employee paperwork, which would be filled with the necessary information about the worker. The standard information should be provided to the employees with an e learning procedure (Fagerholm et al., 2014). Activities Techniques Objectives First week First month Four month Orientation manual FAQs, organization reviews, tips etc. through CD or hard copy To obtain better knowledge and involvement Internet Training Login information, necessary information to handle the portal etc. should be provided To obtain better performence Greeting Mail from the HR to the employees To make the employees feel free and accepted Information regarding benefits From HR to the employees through mail To make the employees feel safe Peer meeting Introduction with co workers and the authority To obtain better work culture Leadership training Meeting to the key people their responsibilities To make the employees know about the hierarchy Feed back To the employee For his positive progress Performance knowledge guide To the employee To focus on the areas for battement Checklist to the employees and the supervisors To ensure that the process is being rightly carried out The following checklist can be consulted in this regard. (Source: Fagerholm et al., 2014) Conclusion: This afore said recommendations would be helpful for my company to guarantee to better role clarity, self efficacy, knowledge of the culture from the employees end. Unlike me, the new employees would be able to perform more quickly and efficiently. This will provide more satisfaction among the employees and the authority would be able to exert the performance in the right time and with greater precision. References: Cable, D. M., Gino, F., Staats, B. R. (2013). Reinventing employee onboarding.MIT Sloan Management Review,54(3), 23. Fagerholm, F., Sanchez Guinea, A., Borenstein, J., Munch, J. (2014). Onboarding in open source projects.Software, IEEE,31(6), 54-61. Rongo, E. J., Lioy, M. V. (2014).U.S. Patent Application No. 14/522,441. Ross, W. E., Huang, K. H., Jones, G. H. (2014). Executive onboarding: ensuring the success of the newly hired department chair.Academic Medicine,89(5), 728-733. Smith, E. N. (2014).Workplace Security Essentials: A Guide for Helping Organizations Create Safe Work Environments. Elsevier. Steinmacher, I., Gerosa, M. A., Redmiles, D. (2014). Attracting, onboarding, and retaining newcomer developers in open source software projects. InWorkshop on Global Software Development in a CSCW Perspective.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
The dark tourism Essay Example
The dark tourism Essay Presentation of the Problem Tourism covers legion signifiers of travel and a wide scope of finishs. Dark Tourism describes a niche type of touristry which covers the trial of topographic points where calamities or historically notable deceases have occurred of establishments covering with the heritage of humanity ( Tarlow, 2005 ) . Particularly in the last decennaries, dark touristry has become apparently more popular and has received more attending ( Stone, 2009 ) . Foley and Lennon ( 1999 ) province that touristry associated with sites of decease is registering a rapid growing. Smith ( 1996 ) found in her research on war and touristry that the memorabilia of warfare and allied merchandises likely forms the largest individual class of tourer attractive forces in the universe, despite the calamities and dissuasive incidents which have happened at that place. One of the earliest illustrations of dark tourer sites in the beginning of the nineteenth century was a gaol in the United States of America, which receive d public involvement because of its architectural inventions and fresh patterns ( Stone, 2009 ) . We will write a custom essay sample on The dark tourism specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The dark tourism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The dark tourism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Meanwhile, sing sites of decease and catastrophe has developed into a worldwide phenomenon. But the demand for dark touristry musca volitanss is various. Beside the affair of decease, involvement in civilization, history or merely the desire for amusement are possible grounds why 1000000s of people are sing topographic points of dark touristry ( Stone, 2006 ) . Despite an increasing sum of surveies on the subject ( Seaton, 1996 ; Lennon and Foley, 2000 ; Sharpley and Stone, 2009 ) there is still a deficiency of understanding what really motivates worlds to see sites of dark touristry and to prosecute themselves with the subjects of decease, catastrophe and race murder. Due to the fact that dark touristry is a turning signifier of touristry, it is necessary to understand why people are motivated to see topographic points where other people have suffered. Purposes of the Bachelor Thesis The intent of this survey is to place the motivations of visitants sing former battlegrounds where historically of import conflicts have been fought. This survey will give a better, theoretically informed apprehension of tourer motive and its function in the determination devising procedure. The undermentioned inquiries will be examined in respects to this subject: Which push factors play a function in visitors? motive to battlefields? Which pull factors play a function in visitors? motive? What function do peculiarly degree of instruction, involvement in history, media and personal connexion drama in visitors? motive? Which other visitant motivations influence the determination to see battlegrounds? Methodology Structure of the Thesis This Bachelor Thesis is divided into a theoretical and an empirical portion. The end of the theoretical portion is to supply and explicate the theories, footings and definitions used in this survey to organize a thorough literature reappraisal to reexamine literature for planing the research and construing the findings. Dark Tourism Definition of Dark Tourism Lennon and Foley described the term dark touristry as the phenomenon which encompasses the presentation and ingestion ( by visitants ) of existent and commodified decease and catastrophe sites ( 1996:198 ) . An illustration of really early signifiers of dark touristry would be the gladiatorial games of the Roman country or public executings in mediaeval age ( Stone, 2009 ) . Boorstin ( 1964, in Stone 2009 ) states that the first organized circuit in England in 1838 was a trip by train to witness the hanging of two liquidators. Dark touristry sites and attractive forces are non merely going more and more popular ( Sharpley, 2005 ) but besides vary tremendously in their presentation of decease. They reach from jesting houses of horror, over decease sites of celebrated people to topographic points of mass slaying like the Holocaust decease cantonments. Seaton ( 1996 ) cites a figure of attractive forces, including the battleground of Waterloo and the inhumed metropolis of Pompeii ; the latter is said to be the greatest and most celebrated thanatoptic travel finish of the Romantic period ( Seaton, 1996 ) . In contrast to Stone, Seaton prefers utilizing the definition thanatourism alternatively of dark touristry. He describes thanatourism as being the travel to a location entirely, or partly, motivated by the desire for existent or symbolic brushs with decease, peculiarly, but non entirely, violent decease, which may, to a varying grade be activated by the person-specific characteristics of those whose deceases are its focal objects ( 1996:240 ) . This would intend that people, going to dark sites, are active traveling at that place in order to see the aura of such topographic points. In add-on to this, he believes that thanatourism is defined by the consumer s motivations and that single traveller motive do play a function in this sort of touristry. Another definition synced with dark touristry is the term black musca volitans , which are commercial developments of grave sites and sites in which famous persons or big Numberss of peoples have met with sudden and violent deceases ( Rojek, 1993:136 ) . Rojek shows three different illustrations of Black Spots the day of remembrance of John Fitzgerald Kennedy s slaying in Dallas, Texas, the one-year candle flame vigil in memory of Elvis Presley and the one-year pilgrims journey to the portion of the Californian main road where James Dean died in a auto clang. Both the looks dark touristry and thanatourism will be used in this research, because they have the same significance, but are otherwise interpreted. Thanatourism is based on the motivational facet, while dark touristry is attraction severally location based. In contrast, black musca volitanss are a parts of the dark touristry spectrum and instead describe topographic points of sudden and violent decease. In this instance, graveyards would non be portion of black topographic point sites. Seatons reading will be used in the undermentioned survey. As I am look intoing motivations of people sing dark tourer sites, I adopt the definition of Seaton because it is more elaborate and better apprehensible than the definitions of Rojek, Lennon and Foley. Furthermore the definition fits better as motivational position. Classification of dark touristry Dark touristry is, in its assorted signifiers, multi-faceted, multi tiered and exists in a assortment of societal, cultural, geographical and political contexts ( Stone, 2009 ) . A full classification of all death-related attractive forces is really complex and hard. Furthermore, in contrast to Foley and Lennon, Seaton ( 2006 ) states that thanatourism works on coherency between two elements: foremost, if the traveller has merely one or more motivations to see a topographic point of decease, and secondly, the extend to which the involvement in decease is person-centered or scale-of-death centered. Mentioning to Figure 1, it can be concluded that people sing sites of decease, for illustration a battleground or a prison where a relation has died or has suffered, have a weak thanatourism component in their motive. The involvement in decease is person-centered because this is the intent of visit in the first case. In contrast, people who are sing the same sights but have no relations or friends which might hold suffered at that place, show a strong thanatourism component. They are interested in decease itself and are fascinated by those sights. Dark touristry supply and demand It is obvious that people have long been attracted to topographic points of decease and catastrophe. In footings of supply, there has been a rapid growing in the proviso of such attractive forces or experiences ; so, there appears to be an increasing figure of people acute to gain from topographic points of decease as tourer attractive forces, such as a husbandman in Pennsylvania who offered a circuit of the clang site of the United Airlines Flight 93 one of the 9/11 aircraft ( Bly, 2003 ) . Marcel ( 2004 ) recognised that there is a immense scope and diverseness of dark touristry supply when she examined whether decease makes a vacation , and denoted that dark touristry is a portion of the touristry phenomenon and called it soiled small secret . In order to look into the phenomenon of consumer demand of dark tourer sites, it is necessary to analyze the subject both from the supply and demand position. As Seaton ( 1996 ) believes, dark touristry is basically a behavioural phenomenon, defined by tourer motivations as opposed to peculiar features of a site or attractive force . To build any model, both demand and supply demands to be taken into consideration. For Foley and Lennon, dark touristry is a temporally, fundamentally western phenomenon based upon non-purposeful visits due to serendipity, the path of circuit companies or the simply funny who happen to be in the locality ( 2000:23 ) . Therewith, in the two research worker s sentiment, dark touristry demand is created accidentally and is now portion of circuit companies plans, with the aim to do money by acquiring tourers to a dark country which is located near to the paths. In this instance, the research workers strongly declare that dark touristry is supply-driven. Due to the inquiry whether people coincidently come across dark tourer sites, as Foley and Lennon ( 2000 ) believe, this subject has to be considered critically. It has to be mentioned that demand and supply are dynamic and ever altering. For illustration, London Dungeon has ever exposed horrifying and gory sculptures. These exhibits were the chief ground why people came to see this topographic point. If the direction would make up ones mind to take the electric chair, the demand would diminish quickly ( Sharpley, 2009 ) . It is still ill-defined whether thanatourism is still acquiring more and more popular because of the increasing sum and diverseness of attractive forces, or because of the turning involvement of people looking for the macabre and terrorization ( West, 2004 ) . Harmonizing to Sharpley ( 2009 ) , there exists a continuum of intent of supply of dark touristry sites or experiences. He believes that there are tourer attractive forces which have become dark tourer sites by accident and topographic points which are straight intended to do net income. Figure 2 shows the four shades of touristry, making from pale to black touristry. Harmonizing to Sharpley ( 2009 ) , the four sunglassess of dark touristry are devided into four classs. Tourists with a low involvement in in decease and who are sing sites which are unintended to be tourist attractive forces are pale tourers . Its oposite would summarize people with a high captivation with decease and sing dark tourer sites on intent. This sort of dark touristry is referred as the darkest touristry possible . Concerning supply and demand, tourers with captivation with decease but sing unintendet dark touristry sites are demanding gray touristry. Grey touristry supply would define sites which are deliberately established to work decease, pulling visitant with merely a minor involvement in decease. Battlefield touristry Battlefield touristry refers to the trial to sites associated with warfare. These include locations like battlegrounds, commemorations or military Gravess every bit good as museums and other constructions that commemorate wars, conflicts and associated events or atrociousnesss ( Seaton, 1999 ) . Topographic points like these have attracted tourers from all over the universe for more than thousand old ages. Alexander the Great was one of the first known battleground tourers, when he visited the Tomb of Achilles and ancient Troy during his invasion of Asia ( Wilcken, 1967 ) . Battlefield touristry increased significantly during the last century, which could be ascribed to the turning figure of military struggles since the early 1900s and more by and large, the go oning growing of touristry ( Sharpley, 2009 ) . Particularly the clip after the First World War represented a turning point in the history of battlefield touristry. Visits to battlefield sites like Waterloo, Napoleon Bonaparte s last conflict near Brussels in 1815, started to go more and more popular ( Lloyd, 1998 ) . The on-going hunt by the touristry industry for new attractive forces has created a really relevant touristry phenomenon around battlefield touristry ( Ryan, 2007 ) . The paradox of a site of conflict or war is that visitants are able to travel about freely on a one time insecure topographic point where many people have lost their lives. Sing the macabre and abhorrent ambiance which is radiated by topographic point of war, it is singular that some tourers are accepting a long journey in order to acquire impressed by a site of war, express gladfulness or even see unhappiness. Battlefield Tours For a battlefield circuit visitant, a battleground circuit has the intent of understanding what happened and why ( Sharpley, 2006 ) . Therefore it can be concluded that tourers belonging to this signifier of trial are primary interested in history and the really inside informations of the conflict. Even images, closest surveies and primary beginnings can non depict the ambiance of a topographic point where battles have taken topographic point. For illustration, it is necessary to stand at the beach of Ford Island, Hawaii, to understand how the feeling must hold been when the Nipponese dramatic force, dwelling of 400 military planes, attacked the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor on December 7 in 1941. With a small spot of imaginativeness, the visitant can see through the eyes of the soldier, although the site may hold changed over the old ages. To travel into more item and to calculate out why tourers visit battlegrounds, it is of import to separate between the types of trial. In order to categorize the study in Chapter , classs of trials have been pointed out and confronted in braces: Are the tourers sing battlegrounds as a portion of an organized circuit or are they single visitants? Do visitants hold a weak or a strong thanatoursim component in their motive? Did people come to battelfield sites voluntarily ( Leisure visitants ) or have they been invited as portion of a company outing or an advanced preparation class ( Business/Educational visitants ) ? Pilgrimage Battlefield pilgrims journeies can be defined as the traveling for recollection with the focal point on the religious and emotional experience of sing Gravess and commemorations ( Stone, 2009:194 ) . Beside veterans, immediate household members may besides see a battleground for recollection. For illustration, when decease was the ground why a twosome s matrimony ended, it can be really of import for the personal healing procedure of the widow to see the battleground where her hubby died or the grave where he is buried. In these instances once more, a weak thanatoursim component is perceptible beacause the dead are know and the involvement in decease is person-centred. But non merely immediate relations have a religious relationship to household members who died in war. Besides kids, whose gramps lost his life in a conflict, can demo their pride of holding a great warrior. Furthermore, going together in a group to a battleground can be major societal event, such as an day of remembrance. A pilgrims journey can besides promote conversations between coevalss which might non go on anyplace else. Types of Battlefield visitants Leisure visitants Harmonizing to a study commissioned by the Royal British Legion in 2006 ( based upon a sample of 1000 respondents across the United Kingdom ) leisure visitants are the bulk of modern tourers at battlegrounds ( Stone, 2009 ) . These visitants show a strong involvement in history, particularly military history. This popular involvement arose from a captivation with the soldier and the conflict, due to the fact that the proportion of the population who is functioning in the armed forces is decreasing ( Holmes, 2006 ) . Another ground for the increasing involvement in soldiers could be popular movies like Black Basterds by Quentin Tarantino, USA 2009. Depending if leisure visitants travel to battlefield sites on their ain or as portion of Tourss, they can either demo a high involvement ( or thanaourism component ) in decease and catastrophe or merely see them as side trips of the whole circuit being unconcerned with dark touristry. Educational Visits and Visits by the Military Visits to battlegrounds, if gettable, are undertaken by schools and other educational constitutions. An chance is given to immature people and pupils to understand the background and context of subjects learned at school or university. Educational visits to battlegrounds differ from general leisure visits in points of larning aims and the opportunity to supply support for certain parts of the national course of study ( Sharpley, 2006 ) . Furthermore, instructors with personal involvements in military history are able to portion their enthusiasm and can arouse some ideas about morality in their pupil s heads, which is besides an of import portion of instruction. Members of the Armed Forces, who view the battleground as portion of the hereafter, besides belong to the class of educational visitants. The British Armed Forces use battlegrounds for tactical preparation and survey ( Ryan, 2007 ) , leading lessons and be aftering how modern military personnels would run on the same land. Non-military administrations in the United Kingdom, like Corporate Battlefields and Business Battlefields are besides utilizing battlegrounds for leading or direction development plans. Peoples take parting in such events are thought to larn from the lessons in history and construct effectual taking squads to increase concern public presentation. Often, members of such jaunt are forced to take part and can non afford to worsen in order to maintain their occupations. Therefore it can be concluded that, educational visits, are non voluntarily by the bulk. Veterans Even if this is merely a little portion of battlefield tour visitants, some veterans still have the desire to see one time more the topographic point where they have fought, to re-experience the topographic point, possibly for the last clip in their lives. Some of them make themselves available for Tourss to narrate their narratives to other visitants, who get the opportunity to acquire a better and really reliable presentation of the site. Others merely desire to understand what happened or the significance of their ain function when they fought a war ( Stone, 2009 ) . It can be assumed that, for these sort of visitants and harmonizing to Seatons ( 1996 ) Thanatoursim continuum, there is no specific involvement in decease and desaster observable. Tourist Motivation Tourist motive can be defined as the planetary integration web of biological and cultural forces which gives value and way to go picks, behaviour and experience ( Pearce, Morrison A ; Rutledge, 1998 ) Motivation has ever been an of import factor of leisure and touristry survey and a basic subject in touristry research ( Crompton, 1979 ; Veal, 1997 ) . Harmonizing to Wahab ( 1975 ) , it is cardinal that, for touristry surveies and development, the country of travel motive is taken into consideration. This means that touristry providers can profit from understanding what travellers want in order to foretell future travel forms and accommodate the offer. Furthermore, certain tourer types can be selected as mark sections for travel and tourer selling ( Smith, 1996 ) Harmonizing to Pearce ( 2007:50 ) , motive could besides be the drive force behind all actions . Peoples do things because they have a figure of motivations which can differ tremendously from each other. Some visitants t ravel to Paris for seeing the Eiffel Tower because of its tallness and the beautiful position over the metropolis, others go to the same metropolis for shopping and the good nutrient. The finish is the same, but different motivations brought persons at that place and different or even same activities could be based on different motivations. Seaton ( 1997 ) believes that motive is generated by an internal feeling, besides called an person s demand , which drives people to accomplish certain ends. When all ends have been reached, the demand reduces and the single returns to the initial point until new motivations, which are coming up shortly after the satisfaction of the last 1s, have to be met. Tourists can be easy classified in footings of demographics, types of travel, economic well being and many other factors, but it is hard to place why tourers do what they do ( Woodside and Martin, 2008 ) . In contrast to the intent of travel which can be, for illustration, classified in concern or leisure , the private demands and wants are really hard to mensurate, as they vary between persons. There is a broad scope of human wants and demands and besides troubles in mensurating them which poses jobs in doing theories about travel motive. To understand how people form their determinations, the determination doing procedure will be briefly touched and besides a better account of human demands, mentioning to Maslow s Hierarchy of demands, has to be provided. Decision Making Procedure Decision devising can be summarised as the procedure of extinguishing or cut downing uncertainty about any options to do an expedient pick from among them ( Solomon, 2006 ) . About all determinations involve a certain sum of hazards because there can neer, or seldom, be complete cognition about all options. Furthermore at that place has to be a grade of uncertainity ; otherwise, if non, people would ever take the right manner and would neer make any errors in their lives. In order to find an ideal determination, a perfect determination environment has to be the footing including all the information of all options. Restrictions like clip and attempt interfere in doing ideal determination. For illustration, cipher would pass 2 hours driving about in the metropolis waiting for the closest parking batch to the supermarket to acquire vacant. The decision-making procedure is influenced by internal and external variables. Attitudes, beliefs, purposes and motive belong to the psychological portion. Variables like clip, monetary value and pull factors are finishing the external or nonpsychological portion. These factors are predetermined, for illustration the good conditions in the Caribbean or the clip for traveling at that place because of limited vacations. The determination doing procedure involves five phases: Maslow s Hierarchy of demands Maslow is said to be one of the laminitiss of humanistic psychological science, a school of psychological science concerned with the human context for the development of psychological theory ( Hoffman, 1999 ) . In Motivation and Personality, foremost published in 1954, Maslow describes his hierarchy of demands and its relation to motive in general. In his sentiment, all human demands can be organised in a pyramid, dwelling of five phases: physiological demands on the underside and self-actualisation on the top. In between, safety demands, belongingness or credence and esteem demands have to be satisfied before making the highest degree. An single usually tries to fulfill the physiological demands fist, before higher-leveled demands are emerging. Harmonizing to Maslow, all human existences follow this order, with little fluctuations. Sometimes higher degrees of demands can rule, although some basic demands have non been satisfied to the full ( Maslow, 1970 ) . Figure shows Maslow s 5 phases of demands in a pyramid. Adapted from Chaman, 2001-4 Based on this information, the theory has to be applied on tourer motive. Pearce ( 1993 ) , for illustration, has analysed 400 travel experiences of travellers in Europe, Canada, Australia and the USA. One positive and one negative experience had to be written down by the 200 respondents. In conformity to the pyramid of demands, the information was analysed and coded into five classs. For positive experiences, the undermentioned consequence for each demand satisfied could me indicated: To summarize these findings, Pearce ( 1993 ) states that travel motives show features of an approach-avoidance paradigm ( Woodside, 2008 ) . This means that, for travellers, positive experiences contribute to the higher-leveled phases, while negative experiences instead contribute to the medium leveled phases. Further, Pearce ( 1993 ) believes that vacation finishs attract people because tourers see a opportunity in carry throughing personal growing and love demands. Push and Pull Factors Harmonizing to Dann ( 1981 ) , tourers are motivated by a push or draw to a finish in order to fulfill demands. He defines push and pull factors in touristry as forces which drive people to travel off from a topographic point ( push ) and factors which draw them to new locations ( pull ) . For illustration, person leaves his/her metropolis of birth because of an increasing offense rate and low quality of life ( push ) and moves to another metropolis with a good substructure and where his/her household lives ( pull ) . Crompton ( 1979 ) states that the travel industry focuses more on pull factors and that there is a deficiency for push factors. Pull factors can be, in contrast to force factors, much better influenced because they are seldom internal. Therefore, travel bureaus and circuit operators pull tourers to certain sites with the aid of making demands. If person wants to get away from mundane life and finds a image of the Caribbean, the touristry provider pulls possible visitant s off from their current locations. Crompton ( 1979 ) besides mentioned socio-psychological motivations which can be the drive forces to do vacations but the effectual pick of finish was the drawing power of the finish itself. He believes that socio-psychological motivations can direct tourers towards a peculiar finish but, in the bottom line is that pull factors are predominating in the determination devising procedure. In contrast, Uzzell ( 1984 ) believes that tourers are instead motivated to see finishs which match their psychological demands than traveling to topographic points because of the particular qualities which are offered at that place. He does non believe that both push and pull factors are motivation fatctors. In his sentiment, pull factors are instead accounts for common touristic activities so relevant incentives. He adds that pull factors should even be eliminated from the survey of toursim motive. Crompton ( 1979 ) states that, in world, persons experience at the same time mixtures of both push and pull factors and those factors do non needfully stand entirely. As mentioned before, there can be several push factors actuating an person but besides more than one pull factor offered by a site. For illustration, person might be pushed to see Pearl Harbour because his/her gramps has died there during World War II. Apart from that, a travel bureau is offering a two-week holidays bundle in Hawaii particularly prepared for singles, drawing people to the island. Consequently, idividuals might see both push and pull facors. Push and Pull factors should non be treated as moving independently from each other, even though they might match to single phases in travel determination devising ( Crompton, 1979 ) . Persons travel because they are pulled by finishs and attractive forces and at the same clip pushed by their ain internal forces. Expectancy theory In contrast to the theory of Maslow s Hierarchy of demands, the anticipation theory, which was invented by Victor Vroom in 1964, focuses instead on results than on demands. In order to be motivated, Vroom linked attempt, public presentation and results to motive. There are three variables which are mentioned: Anticipation, Valence and Instrumentality. Increased public presentation is the consequence of increased attempt, which is the basic belief of anticipation ( Green, 1992 ) . An illustration of anticipation would be the belief that something will acquire better if person works harder for it. The 2nd variable, instrumentality, is the belief that person performs good, a valued result will be received ( Green, 1992 ) . In illustration, if person does a good occupation, it will be valued and he/she possibly gets a wage rise. Valence is defined as the importance that the single topographic points upon the expected result ( Green, 1992 ) . This would intend that if an employee is chief ly motivated by money, he/she would non value other offers like a new office or extra clip off. Having understood these variables, the basic thought behind the theory is that persons adapt their degree of attempt depending on the possible result. In Vroom s sentiment, if person believes that if he/she is working harder but the wagess and public presentations will non be increased and moreover offered wagess are non valued, the person will non be motivated. It is of import to advert that all three variables have to be fulfilled in order to accomplish motive. The theory can be applied to any state of affairs where person expects a certain result to go on. In relation to dark touristry and the trial of battlegrounds, tourers expect certain, in most instances intangible, outcomes. Sing the illustration of pilgrims journey and religious experience, people believe that the trial of Gravess or topographic points where relations or friends have died can ensue in better understanding the past events and an increased personal healing procedure. Motivational Strength It depends on motivational strength whether person prefers making one end opposed to another. Despite the diverseness of surveies and theories, most of them are sharing a basic thought: persons have a certain sum of energy which must be directed towards ends ( Pearce, 1993 ) . From a psychological position, making a end can be equalised with being motivated. If a demand arouses, which is turning by and by, the person wants to fulfill it every bit shortly as possible. For illustration, if person is hungry, he/she wants to halt this unpleasant feeling by eating nutrient. Equally shortly as the demand is satisfied, the balanced province returns which is called homeostasis ( Solomon, Bamossy, Askegaard and Hogg, 2006 ) . Human behavior is driven by a basic mechanism to cut down unpleasant tensenesss, which is termed thrust theory. In footings of selling, the unpleasant province reffers to the demand of goods and services which are desired. Though, to be more precise, the grade of motive is non ever the same. For illustration, the motive to purchase a new one is really high because the old 1 has been used for many old ages. If the individual who desires a new Television would hold bought one a few months ago, the motive to travel once more to the shop and pass money would be much lower. The research on motive in order to understand what really drives behaviour focal points more on cognitive factors instead than on biological 1s. For this research, the thrust theory is non important and will non be applied. Though, another theory about motive is taken into consideration. The Expectancy theory suggests that people prefer one merchandise or service over another because they believe that this pick has more positive effects for them ( Solomon, Bamossy, Askegaard and Hogg, 2006:93 ) . For this survey it is of import to happen out which positive effects could be of import to visitants to battlegrounds and to dark touristry sites in general. Incentives Motivation: History Harmonizing to Smith ( 1996 ) , sites of war attract fundamentally people with a strong involvement in history and military strategians. These persons are acute to analyze the events of the past while walking around the country. This would intend that a battlefield visitant does non needfully hold to be attracted by the presence of decease ; involvement in history can besides be the ground why people visit battlegrounds. The same consequences were found by Crompton ( 1979 ) and Anderton ( 1995 ) , who stated that cultural and historical involvement can be a strong incentive for pleasance travel. Further, Crompton ( 1979 ) drew the decision, from questioning 42 grownup people, that instruction and freshness are of import travel incentives. In contrast to this, Beech ( 2000 ) , who, amongst other subjects, investigated the visitors? motive to concentration cantonments, does non wholeheartedly believe that visitants with no connexion to the cantonment are motivated by lone involvement in larning or history. The same theory can be applied to battlefield touristry. There is, from a historical position, a demand in battlefield touristry, National Geographic released in 1992 a usher for conflict sites including their histories called the Guide to Civil War National Battlefield Parks in the USA, including exposure and maps demoing troop motions. Today there are immense sums of books covering with battleground Tourss and similar subjects on about all sites of war in the universe. Foley and Lennon ( 2000 ) see that the literature frequently obliterates and ignores the negative facets of history, sometimes mistakenly and, more frequently, on intent. The two research workers want to declare that it is evidently non plenty to show the historical and cultural landscape to the visitants, without turn toing the issue of morality and offense which are linked with the topographic points. Ignoring and stamp downing the position on history every bit good as altering nature of history are the consequence of the altering society, which can be linked to altering readings. To summarize the subject of historical motives, it can be said that involvement in history can be a incentive which drives worlds to see sites of decease and catastrophe. Not without ground there are plenty beginnings where tourers can fulfill at that place wonder about battlegrounds. Due to the fact that there is really small research on tourer motive to battlefield tourer sites, it can be concluded, based on the sentiments of other research workers ( Crompton, 1979 ; Anderton, 1995 ; Beech, 2000 ) , that the motivation to larn more about human history is verifiably a driver, but non the individual and lone ground why people are sing battlegrounds. Education In order to understand why wars and conflicts have occurred and what the effects were, dark touristry sites can be helpful in organizing sentiments. Some persons need to cognize why their friends or relations needed to decease. Educational travel was foremost introduced during the beginning of the industrialization in the seventeenth century, when sweetening of instruction and substructure, amongst others, increased ( Burkart and Medlik 1981 ) . In 1892, the first dark touristry exhibitions with an educational constituent were promoted in New York, USA. Volcanic eruptions of Mount Vesuvius, fictions of hurricanes and the destruction of Martinique were on the day-to-day docket of the events on Coney Island ( Rojek 1993 ) . In the present, dark tourers sites are acute on advancing themselves with the aid of implementing educational facets. Tourists besides see a opportunity in self-learning through educational travels. There are assorted institutes offering educational Tourss to American civil war sites every bit good as information Sessionss, for illustration the Smithsonian Associates, the Department of Education in Washington D.C, which offered a circuit following the flight path of President Abraham Lincoln s liquidator. One of the nucleus purposes of such events is to do people learn from past errors, what and how events in the yesteryear could hold been prevented. At Pearl Harbor, USA, people believe that instruction could assist in supplying a more unafraid tomorrow. Peoples who visited the topographic point are thought to hold understood why the onslaught happened and should hold realised that such a calamity must neer go on once more ( Ryan, 2007 ) . The trouble with the subject instruction in relation to dark tourer sites is the thin line between instruction and amusement. Walsh ( 1992 ) believes that the educational mission lies really close to amusement. As mentioned in Chapter , the London Dungeon offers horrifying Tours, where people can see how anguish has been used in the yesteryear in a really realistic mode. This may non be a really critical or serious attack to history, but it shows the world and decidedly remains in visitors? heads. Of class this is besides an attack to derive the attending of possible visitants, to do history, which might frequently look tiring particularly to childs and younger people more interesting and synergistic. Harmonizing to Lennon and Foley ( 2000 ) , the function of media is besides lending to the belittlement of serious events. Persons with less cognition of modern-day history could misconstrue imitations or films of people playing a function in really serious calamities and catastrophe. Remembrance Foley and Lennon ( 1993 ) define recollection as a critical human activity that connects people to their yesteryear and hereafter. Harmonizing to that they continue to declare that the mode how worlds remember define us in the present. The two research workers besides province that a big portion of dark tourer attractive forces are warehouses for memories . Sites related to decease attract people who want to mark either the event or their relations and friends who have died. In the Christian faith, there is one twenty-four hours a twelvemonth which is dedicated to all saints, called the All Saints? Day. In common pattern, many Christians visit the graveyards and the Gravess where loved people are buried. But non merely memories of asleep people stay in heads. Remembrance is besides needed to recognize what cardinal incidents formed the individualities of persons, sometimes even the individualities of whole civilizations. This is why some dark tourer sites are really rigorous in sho wing their memorials sing the repect of visitants. At Pearl Harbor, a short movie is shown to tourers before they are allowed to come in the memorial country. Furthermore, visitants have to be dressed in an appropriate manner. This attention shows an obvious difference between normal tourer attractive forces and dark touristry commemorations. For case, cipher attentions if person wears trunkss and a chapeau when sing the Great Wall of China, which is besides a war-related symbol. This difference in presentation might be due to the fact that some symbols of war or war sites are, because of the clip which has already passed since so, are out of day of the month . The Great Wall of China is more than 2000 old ages old, while the onslaught on Pearl Harbour happened 61 old ages ago. Furthermore, most of import, victims of the conflict of Pearl Harbor are still alive. Identity Identity can besides be a impulsive force to see dark tourer sites. Peoples, even if they do non hold a direct connexion to the dark touristry event itself, come to a topographic point of decease to derive a sense of individuality. As mentioned in Chapter , tourers are sing sites where famous persons have met with sudden decease, placing themselves as portion of the dead character ( Rojek, 1993 ) . Ashworth ( 2004 ) believes that the hunt for self-understanding and self-identity was the birth of the touristry industry. He argues that people who are sing sites of decease and catastrophe do non needfully hold thanatouristic motives. In the research worker s sentiment, personal motivations arise from personal or household history and the desire to pay regard to those whom the visitant feels a connexion. Ashworth ( 2004 ) references that people from Australia and New Zealand are saying that it would be a motive for them to see Gallipoli in order to detect who they are and what happened to their in sires in history. In this instance, mentioning to Seaton ( 1996 ) , the thanatouristic component is weak, because there is no grounds that visitants are looking for the macabre and terrorization. Curiosity Harmonizing to Ashworth ( 2004 ) , tourers can besides be attracted to sites of decease and atrociousness because of wonder. Some research workers besides indicate that people visit dark tourer sites in order to see ghastly exhibits ( Cooper, 2006 ; Yuill, 2003 ) . Yuill ( 2003 ) states that those visitants who come the the site because of couriosity seldom have/had any friends or household members who fought in wars or served in the battleground presented. In Uzzells ( 1989 ) sentiment, people show an insatiate demand in atrociousness. Persons sometimes have a unusual wont to be motivated and attracted by psychological stimulations of negative moral worth. This would intend that they have a strong involvement in calamities and catastrophes and would be classified in Seatons ( 1996 ) strong thanatouristic component graduated table. Rojek believes that wonder about dark touristry events and sites is widely spread. Location Several writers ( Hanink A ; Stutts, 2002 ; Yuill, 2003 ) reference that the location of a dark tourer site or a battleground is important for its figure of visitants. Battlefields which are in propinquity of other sights or shut to topographic points with a big population might pull a big figure of visitants. Strong involvement in decease and catastrophe might non chiefly be the motivations to see dark tourer sites which are close to someones hometown. A trip on the weekend with the household in order to go on 1s instruction can besides be grounds to lend to, in this instance, weak thanatourism. Methodology Introduction In Chapter , the research worker outlined a theoretical background for this survey. In order to finish the emipiracl research successfully, it is indispensable to supply an appropriate methodological analysis. It is necessary to choose an overall paradigm for every research. There are two paradigms which are frequently discussed in the literature: qualitative and quantitative ( Creswell, 2003 ) . The research worker defines qualitative research as research technique which uses multiple methods which are synergistic and humanistic. The research inquiries might alter and be refined during the interview with the participant. Furthermore, the reseracher makes an reading of the collected information ; he filters the informations through a personal lens ( Creswell, 2003:182 ) . Alternatively, the quantitative paradigm is based on proving a theoretical theorem. Quantifiable variables, usining statistical processs are analysed. This research method is used to find the generalisability of a theory. The research worker chiefly uses postpositivist claims for developing cognition ( Creswell, 2003:18 ) . In other words, findings are identified as positive if a research testifies consequences of footings which have been defined in progress. The research worker is able to cut down to specific variables and inquiries. The purpose of a quantitative research is to roll up informations on preset instruments that yield statistical informations. It depends on the research worker s nature and aims which paradigm will be selected. As touched in chapter , the research on market cleavage and consumer determination devising is largely based on quantitative and statistical analysis. As this research tries to find the importance of the function of battleground sites in tourers decion to see those sites, a wide scope of information and a batch of repsonses are needed. Therefore, the quantitative research method will be used. This chapter describes the choice of the survey site every bit good as the considerations for an effectual method of roll uping dependable informations, including a presentation of the the restrictions of the methodological analysis. The study design, which provides a numeral description of attitudes and sentiments of visitants of the HGM, will be presented. Choice of the survey site One of the first major determinations to be made is the pick of the survey site. This research is look intoing in motives of tourers sing battlefiled tourer sites. Therefore, it would be most appropriate to take a battleground as survey site. Due to the fact that all large conflicts in the present country of Austria have taken topographic point in and before the nineteenth century, there are no battlegrounds which are interesting for the public anymore. Though, there are museums covering with the subject of war and war history. The Heeresgeschichtliche Museum ( HGM ) in Vienna shows exhibits of the Austrian military history from the sixteenth century to 1945. It is located in the Arsenal, a historical composite of edifices from the monarchy, which was physique between 1850 and 1856 under the behest of Emperor Frant Joseph I by Ludwig Foerster and Theophil Hansen. The HGM claims to be the oldest and largest purpose-made military history museum in the universe. It exhibits chiefly arms, rigs, uniforms and exposure of the clip from the monarchy of the Habsburg household to the terminal of World War II. There are 11 lasting exhibitions offered to visitants: The Thirty Years War, Wars against the Turks, Prince Eugene of Savoy, Maria Theresa ( The eighteenth century ) , Room of the Gallic Wars, Radetzky Room, Room of Francis Joseph, Sarajewo Room, World War I, Republic and Dictatorship, Austria 1918 until 1945 and Naval Power Austria. One of the most noteworthy parts of the Museum?s aggregation is the couch wher e the Federal Chancellor Engelbert Dollfu A ; szlig ; died in 1934 after beeing shooting by a National Socialist and the car in which the Archduke Francis Ferdinand was asassinated in Sarajewo in 1914. The handiness and suitableness as dark tourer site, every bit good as the assortment of exhibitions offered were important in taking the HGM as survey site. In order to capture the largest possible figure of respondents, the research worker decided non to separate between the exhibitions. Due to the fact that all of the showroom?s subjects are related to battlefield instead dark touristry, the same questionnaire will be used for all of them. In add-on to profit of holding more visitants to spread out the sample size, taking the HGM as a survey site has the follwing advantages: due to many resting topographic points in the museum, tourers can take part in the study without beeing disturbed while detecting the exhibitions. Furthermore, the research worker expects that the site attracts tourers with legion motives, such as those with an involvement in war, involvement in larning about the Austria history and holding an penetration in life during the monarchy and the wars. The questionnaire It was decided that a questionnaire study will be used, which is one of the most common methods to garner information from respondents. Creswell ( 2003 ) defines a study as a bundle of standadised information from a specific subject normally by agencies of questionnaire or interview. He lists several advantages of a questionnaire, amongst others, the ability to roll up informations merely and the easiness of administrating, coding and analyzing a study. In ground of that, a self-administered questionnaire with the purpose of acquiring information about tourers motives to battlefield tourer sites was developed. Socio-demographic and travel-related inquiries are besides portion of the study. The concluding questionnaire consists of 20 ( 16 inquiries severally for Vienese occupants ) closed-ended inquiries which were asked in relation to possible motives to the HGM and battlefield touristry to set up if their motives reflect the literature. 3 demographic inquiries were asked in order to set up a profile of visitants to the site. 9 inquiries were designed on a dichotomous response graduated table, which means that the respondent has two options to take. The others have 5-point-Likert graduated table response options ; the respondent is presented with a uninterrupted graduated table runing from 1 ( minimal mark ) to 5 ( maximal mark ) . These inquiries are used to mensurate tourer s degree of cognition about the HGM, the importance of t he HGM in visitants determination to come to Vienna, the grounds for sing the HGM and the involvement in battlefield touristry in general. The concluding questionnaire is laid out in four pages and arranged in four subdivisions. Question 1a to 5a seeks to understand the tourists? travel forms to Vienna and is designed for non-residents of Vienna. Section B ( inquiries 1b to 7b ) purposes to profile the visitors? trip to the HGM including travel forms, motives and determination devising. The 3rd portion, inquiry 1c to 5c, seeks to place the involvement in battlegrounds in general. Finally, subdivision D, contains 3 inquiries bespeaking the respondent profile. Research design In order to reply the research inquiries, the push/pull theoretical account will be tested. The research worker will analyze the findings and use them to the push/pull theory. It will be identified which push and pull factors are relevant in visitors? motive to sites related to wars and conflicts. Furthermore, the research worker assumes that there are certain factors impacting visitant s motive. Premises about factors act uponing visitors? motive were developed and proved subsequently in chapter . : people are instead motivated to see the HGM if ( 1 ) they have no cognition about the museum, ( 2 ) the distance to the museum is near, ( 3 ) the person reached a certain age which enables him/her to understand fortunes of the past and reflect them on his/her young person and eventually ( 4 ) the person has a relation to Austria and its history. These premises were the footing for following hypotheses: H1: Most respondents have neer been to the HGM before. H2: The better portion of the respondents lives in Vienna or in its environing country. H4: The better portion of the respondents will be older than 50. H3: Most respondents have a relation the HGM ( close relatives/friends who experienced war )
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Free Essays on God Created The Grand Canyon
Evolutionary Fantasy That's right, it ain't true that the Grand Canyon was cut out by the Colorado River over a period of millions of years. The claim is evolutionary fantasy, and its promoters merely theorize. Millions of you have been deceived into accepting this theory as fact, when in truth there exists no heavy-duty evidence to authenticate it. Allow me to tell you why I take this position. It takes only a little bit of logic. The Nile River in Egypt is as old as the Colorado River, perhaps even older. If age and continual flow are the key factors, why hasn't the Nile River cut out a canyon as awesome, or at least similar to, the Grand Canyon? Then there's the Mississippi, the Ohio, the Rio Grande, and many other old waterways. Why haven't they hewed out canyons? Well, why? The answer is obvious. Time and continual flow have little if anything to do with canyons whose walls are sheer rock, like the Grand Canyon. And we'll even allow for a little erosion along the way. That still doesn't cut it, however. For if erosion carved out the Grand Canyon, why hasn't erosion carved out other old waterways, thus forming canyons of them? Well, why? Again, age and continual flow have little to do with canyons whose walls are compacted rock. The Canyon's Inner Gorges If you have ever hiked the Canyon, you have observed, as I have, thousands of inner gorges-all solid rock. Many of them are as deep and as high as the Canyon itself. Now tell me: If the Colorado River is responsible for carving out the Grand Canyon, how did the inner gorges develop? The great Colorado could not have shaped them. The raging billows of the river would have by-passed them. I can see the river's back flow pervading the gorges at one time, at least fractionally, but carving them out? No way! And I'm allowing for a small fraction of erosion in the process. Erosion, however, is not the author of the inner gorges, or of the Canyon itself. We must lo... Free Essays on God Created The Grand Canyon Free Essays on God Created The Grand Canyon Evolutionary Fantasy That's right, it ain't true that the Grand Canyon was cut out by the Colorado River over a period of millions of years. The claim is evolutionary fantasy, and its promoters merely theorize. Millions of you have been deceived into accepting this theory as fact, when in truth there exists no heavy-duty evidence to authenticate it. Allow me to tell you why I take this position. It takes only a little bit of logic. The Nile River in Egypt is as old as the Colorado River, perhaps even older. If age and continual flow are the key factors, why hasn't the Nile River cut out a canyon as awesome, or at least similar to, the Grand Canyon? Then there's the Mississippi, the Ohio, the Rio Grande, and many other old waterways. Why haven't they hewed out canyons? Well, why? The answer is obvious. Time and continual flow have little if anything to do with canyons whose walls are sheer rock, like the Grand Canyon. And we'll even allow for a little erosion along the way. That still doesn't cut it, however. For if erosion carved out the Grand Canyon, why hasn't erosion carved out other old waterways, thus forming canyons of them? Well, why? Again, age and continual flow have little to do with canyons whose walls are compacted rock. The Canyon's Inner Gorges If you have ever hiked the Canyon, you have observed, as I have, thousands of inner gorges-all solid rock. Many of them are as deep and as high as the Canyon itself. Now tell me: If the Colorado River is responsible for carving out the Grand Canyon, how did the inner gorges develop? The great Colorado could not have shaped them. The raging billows of the river would have by-passed them. I can see the river's back flow pervading the gorges at one time, at least fractionally, but carving them out? No way! And I'm allowing for a small fraction of erosion in the process. Erosion, however, is not the author of the inner gorges, or of the Canyon itself. We must lo...
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Consumer Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4
Consumer Behavior - Essay Example Kollner (2008) states that motivation is a function of two things: a) drive or arousal and b) goal-object. The drive is the motivation that results in behavior directed towards the goal. Kollner says that automatic arousal causes behavior without much thought, which is a likely result of learning. For small-ticket products, this type of motivation comes into play: at the supermarket, the decision to purchase a particular brand of diapers for baby is very easy and does not require much thought, except perhaps the very first time when the diapers choice was made. Conversely, for high end, expensive products, the needs are different and solutions also require detailed analyses and information search, which is also called extended problem solving. In a marketing context, motivation plays a very important role in understanding the consumer. When there is a want or need, the consumer feels conflict and unrest; to appease that feeling he or she looks at various solutions. The marketer must be able to satisfy that feeling by making available the right solution (product or service), at the right time and through an accessible channel. Once the marketer understands what drives the customer to act in a certain way, a lot of insights can be added into the marketing process which will assist in making it more targeted and satisfactory to the consumer. For the diaper example discussed previously, a marketer must know that he need not provide additional information to the customer at the supermarket but make him buy the product by making it easily accessible (eye level rack) and offer him deals and savings (e.g. 10% extra). The process of learning involves assessing and acquiring new knowledge and information about things and utilizing that information for future decisions and behaviors. Learning happens as a result of study as well as experience. This process does not have to be consciously done. Kardes, Cronley and Cline explain
Friday, February 7, 2020
Breast Cancer Prevention by Conjugated Linoleic Acid Essay
Breast Cancer Prevention by Conjugated Linoleic Acid - Essay Example Tumor can grow to the breast. Some do so normally, but others are health threats. There are various types of malignant breast cancer. They are classified based on the type of breast cell involved. The most usual cases of Breast cancer involve abnormal growth of the cells in the milk-producing lobules and ducts. Minor causes involve the other cells of the mammary glands and neighboring tissues. There is no known single cause of cancer, but potential risks for breast cancer have been described. The most important of which is genetic mutation of a gene called BRCA and inheritance of such. Age is also considered as an important risk factor, as well as unhealthy lifestyle, that include poor diet, lack of exercises and vices. Early detection and screening is often advised to manage the disease. Simple tools as physical breast exams by palpation or crude imaging technique such as mammography are often very useful. Staying away from the modifiable risks may also offer protection. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy are often used to treat cancer but recently, studies have been looking into conjugated linoleic acid as a potential treatment that could arrest the growth of tumor cells or prevent metastasis to neighboring tissues. Conjugated linoleic acid or CLA is a molecularly re-arranged version of linoleic acid derived from dairy and meat products from ruminant animals, such as beef, lamb, and veal. CLA have been found to reduce the body weight, fat production, and incidences of allergy, and diabetes. It is also implicated to increase muscle production, promote immune response, and anti-carcinogenic. In vitro and in vivo studies have been found to have greatly reduced tumor growth as well as metastasis but so far, studies have been inconclusive in human studies. Studies show that c9, t11-CLA isomer is effective in inhibiting carcinogenesis. Some studies also demonstrate the efficacy of the t10, c12-CLA
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Management Essay Example for Free
Management Essay Ny organization, whether new or old, small or big, requires certain methods, procedures and plans in place for its efficient functioning. For this to happen, they must develop and implement management concepts which help them implement their vision for the future of the organization. Index Planning Organizing Directing/Leading Controlling Staffing The Fifth Function The concept of functions of management was put forth by Henri Fayol, a management theorist from France, influential in proposing many of the management concepts in use today. Originally, he had proposed five management functions; amely, planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling. Modern texts have reduced the functions from five to four. They include planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. The four concepts of management, translated into functions lead to the creation of a cohesive organization. They can be seen here as a diagram. It is interesting to note that there is no hard and fast rule to be followed in the application of these functions, as management is a real-time decision-making system, any of these functions can be operational in conjunction with any other and also as ndependent entities themselves. Planning is the foundation pillar of management. It is the base upon which all other areas of management are built. Planning requires administration to assess where the company presently is and where it would be in the coming years. From there, an appropriate course of action is determined and implemented to attain the companys goals and objectives. Planning is an unending course of action. There may be sudden strategies required to be implemented during a crisis. There are external factors that constantly affect a company, both positively and negatively. Depending on the conditions, a company may have to alter its course of action regarding certain goals. This kind of preparation or arrangement is known as strategic planning. In strategic planning, management analyzes internal and external tactors that may affect the company, its objectives and goals. One of the primary tools of strategic planning is the use of SWOT Analysis, a technique that helps organizations find their strengths and weaknesses, identify areas of opportunity and take preventive measures against threats arising from both internal and external environmental factors.
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