Monday, May 25, 2020
With Tuition Costs at an all Time High, Is College Really...
Since infancy, parents are always encouraging their children to go to college and become a professional. But in this new age economic crisis, is college really worth it? Tuition costs are rising to a criminally high price have everyone arguing. Is college really a good investment? Well in a very short way, Yes it is. An investment that makes you 500,000 to a million dollar lifetime payout is uncomparable. In the end, today an average college graduate will make far more over the course of his or her life than the average high-school graduate who doesnt attend college. This in itself should be enough, but theres also a priceless benefit of college. Going to college has been proven to give overall higher life satisfaction. This is why†¦show more content†¦This far out pays its upfront price which can be around 40-150k. In the end you will make more money and the investment will make sense.We know college is far overpriced and not for everyone but if youre dedicated and get acce pted to a decent college, why not make the investment and go ? A degree is something you can never loose in a gamble or bad investment, it stays forever. It has been proved that higher education can also lead to a higher sense of satisfaction to ones health. In the article â€Å"Priceless: The Nonpecuniary Benefits of Schooling†It is explained how the lifestyle and outcome of a person with more than 16 years of schooling will lead a more satisfied life. Non pecuniary means the benefits that have nothing to do with money, something thats priceless. In this article many examples are made when it comes to priceless benefits, and are going to explain a few. Health is a very big one, it surprised me and assured me i was correct. people that never even graduated high school 20 percent have very good health, finishing high school gives you a 10 percent bump, in the end going to highschool and even more have a 50 percent chance of having a very good health. This in itself is an enormous discovery, if going to school helps people health to over 50 percent, thats priceless. Another priceless advantage of going to college overall life satisfaction. This is a very deep topic in which personalShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay1334 Words  | 6 PagesMs. Meyer AP English 11 February 22, 2013 Is it really worth going to college, owing hundreds of dollars in order to get a degree in a profession to become successful and experienced in the real world? Today, as tuition costs increase students are questioning whether college is fit for them or not. For one, college can be really expensive, for example at the University of Minnesota for an undergraduate during the academic year of 2011-2012, the cost for one credit was $448.08 and $5,825 for a totalRead MoreIs College Worth The Money?991 Words  | 4 Pagesuniversities and colleges as of the fall of 2015 (â€Å"Back to School Statistics†). Students around the country are paying thousands upon thousands of dollars to receive a degree in a field of their choice, where they may or may not be able to use to find work once they graduate. Is college really worth the money? Is it worth putting ourselves tens of thousands of dollars in debt to receive a diploma that doesn’t guarantee a job after graduating? I believe it isn’t. I believe that driving up the cost of educationRead MoreCost Benefits of Attending College1082 Words  | 5 PagesCollege is one of the better investments a person can make to enhance their life. Attending college sets you in the right direction to become a successful individual in the future. Yes, college takes time, and a great deal of money, but in the end it is all worth it. People who graduate from college are more likely to obtain a high end paying job than a person with just a high school education. The cost of attending college may be expensive, but, the outcome of it all is worth the wait. The mostRead MoreCollege Education Essay1364 Words  | 6 PagesIs College Still Worth it ? Since their childrens infancy parents have always encouraged their children to go to college and become a professional. But in this new age economic crisis, is college really worth it? Tuition costs are rising to a criminally high price has everyone arguing. Is college really a good investment? Well in a very short way, yes it is. An investment that makes you 500,000 to a million dollar lifetime payout is uncomparable. In the end, today an average college graduate willRead MoreIs A College Education Worth The Cost?1283 Words  | 6 PagesIs a College Education Worth the Cost? Have you ever just stopped to think about what it must be like to be â€Å"qualified†for a job yet be unemployed and homeless? Starving on the streets because you paid everything you had to an institution that was supposed to guarantee a better life, a more stable and successful career. Obviously this is an extreme case, not everyone who pays for college ends up living on the streets and broke, but almost every college graduate is in debt. For as long as collegeRead MoreGraduation Speech Over College Education Essay1686 Words  | 7 PagesOver the years, there has been a great deal of debate over college education and it’s worth to society and the students who is currently contemplating where they should go or not. In addition, the question of cost, and just how expensive college has become over the last decade has come to attention. It is clear that Americans and important figureheads have argued over whether the benefits of attending college outweigh the benefits of just high school diploma or another type of post-secondary schoolingRead MoreThe Cost Benefits Of Higher Education1264 Words  | 6 Pagesexpected from attending college and to some it has made them worst off. And, because of those negative outcomes advocated like Goldie Blumenstyk the author of â€Å"American Higher education in Crisis†explains why it happens and what to think of them. There are many complaints regarding higher education such as, the high expenses of attending, not being able to find a job, to much time being invested, and many more. With that being said, is it really worth attending college? To evaluate those concernRead MoreShould College Tuition Be Paid?981 Words  | 4 PagesTuition fees have always been a complaint to people who are paying and attending college, most say it is too expensive, some say it should be free. Is that a good way to go? Making college something that anyone could attend? Some say that free college would allow students that are less fortunate, wealth wise, to attend college and have hope for a better future. College plays a very important role in the economy and in my opinion, I certainly believe that college tuition is there for certain reasonsRead MoreThe Cost Of An Education937 Words  | 4 PagesThe cost of an education in America has steadily increased over the last decade making it near impossible for some to even dream of furthering their education. We have placed such a big significance on this piece of paper that even with the experience in hand you may not even be looked at for a job without a degree. On the same note you may receive a glance but miss the opportunity because of a lack of experience. A person must sit back and think will the rewards of furthering my education outweighRead MoreCollege Is A Waste Of Time And Money1096 Words  | 5 Pages The amount of money spent on one year alone of college can break someone’s heart. For most people college gets them to where they want to be, but with hard work and dedication going to work right after high school can take you a long way. Getting out of high school and starting a career early might be what some people want, but college is always an option with all the help they have today. College is a waste of time and money for a couple reasons. The fact that you spend 13 years in school just
Friday, May 15, 2020
War Affected Children And Mental Health Issues - 1417 Words
War-affected Children and Mental Health Issues: Rough Draft When you think of who is affected by war, who comes to mind? Your immediate gut instinct will take you to thoughts about the individual involved in that war. It will make you think about all the awful things they must have encountered during their time at war. You’re not wrong for thinking this. I just want you to take a step back and look at the whole picture. Although most people believe the trauma from war is confined strictly to military personnel, there are war-affected children that are left with many physical, psychosocial, educational, and safety needs. There are two questions you need to ask yourself when you are thinking about children and the trauma of war; what happens to these children physically, psychosocially, educationally, and their safety needs? Does anyone really know about what steps are being taken in order to protect these children? As author Werner (2012) stated, â€Å"The evidence that exis ts suggests that younger children may exhibit more acute symptoms of distress in response to separation from their caregivers; older children may be more traumatized because of their higher exposure to violence and their greater awareness of the negative consequences of armed conflict,†(p.553, para. 4). There are a very few protective factors that have proven successful in overcoming domestic adversaries. Such protective factors are based on the bond between the child and the primary caregiver, around theShow MoreRelatedEffectiveness Of Psychiatric Programs For Children Essay1325 Words  | 6 Pages Children in crisis are at a higher risk of developing mental health issues due to traumatic experiences. Several interventions are available to reduce the effects of traumatic experiences on children. In this paper, the effectiveness of psychiatric programs for children in crisis will be investigated. It is hypothesized that psychiatric intervention programs are effective in reducing stress reactions in children in crisis but an holistic approached must be adopted to obtain better results. The followingRead MoreHealth Rights Within The World Health Organization Essay1300 Words  | 6 PagesHEALTH RIGHTS IN CONFLICT/DISASTER CONTEXT According to the World Health Organization, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. The above definition of health by the World Health Organization redefined the concept of health among the different stakeholders involved in safeguarding people’s right to health. Until then health was merely seen as an absence of disease. But this definition helped the world to reimaginingRead MoreThe Catastrophic Effects Of War1058 Words  | 5 Pageseffects of war War is defined as a state of usually open and declared armed hostile conflict between states or nations (Merriam-Webster, Warfare has been a tool used to acquire new lands and resources, defend religious beliefs, and to acquire freedom. Although, warfare maybe unable to avoid, it should not be used carelessly or without deep and thoughtful consideration. There are a number of factors that should be taken into consideration before a declaration of war is even draftedRead MoreThe Deployment Of A Family Member1748 Words  | 7 Pagesa difficult time for loved ones. Currently, families are experiencing the affects of the deployment cycle and it is putting many people under a lot of emotional stress. More than 1.2 billion families have an active-duty parent or spouse (The Long War). Although it affects every family differently, the phases are all the same. Preparing for a family member to leave can be one of the hardest phases of the deployment cycle, this is called â€Å"pre-deployment.†During this time, spouses often find themselvesRead MoreChild Vulnerability and Mental Health Outcomes after Natural Disasters1170 Words  | 5 Pagessignificant impact on all domains of life for affected populations. Children are a particularly vulnerable group to the effects of natural disasters, with unique physical, developmental, and psychosocial characteristics that place them at high risk for adverse outcomes (Murray, 2011). Some of the consequences for children after natural disasters include physical insecurity, poor living conditions and dis placement, and disruption to community life. Numerous children may also be left orphaned after the lossRead MoreWhat Makes A Child Butt Out At Their Parents And Others? Essay1593 Words  | 7 PagesWhat makes a child lash out at their parents and others? Does the impact of war life destroy a veteran’s home? These are questions that medical professions analyze daily in psychological treatments of individuals. Psychological theory is the science that models the understanding of human thoughts, emotions and behaviors (Cherry, 2016). What is Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)? PTSD is a very serious anxiety disorder that occurs in an individual following an unsuspected experience or even by witnessingRead MoreThe American Foundation Of Suicide Prevention935 Words  | 4 Pagesnon-profit organization acknowledges that suicide and mental health problems are part of our society and by understanding this we can better support those in need, and suicide affects a tremendous amount of people and proper education and treatment can prevent people from committing suicide. â€Å"Each year in the United States, suicide claims over 40,000 lives - more than war, murder, and natural disasters combined†¦Suicide is not just a faceless health issue for our society - it affects real people.†(1.)Read MoreHealth Is The Most Important Thing1490 Words  | 6 PagesHealth is the most important thing is this world. Throughout the world one topic that is constantly mentioned is physical, mental health care. Having no where to turn while your health may not be up to par can make it hard for someone to live. As of right now the worst life expectancy country is Sierra Leone. In Sierra a human is not expected to live past the age 46 according to the World Health Organization. One of the reason why the life expectancy is so low is because due to wars that made theRead MoreThe Problem Of Homeless People1280 Words  | 6 Pagesprobably think of a bum who is an addict or alcoholic. Homelessness affects a variety of people. Homelessness as an issue in today s society is largely ignored. The problem of homelessness is barely noticed. The growing population of homeless people is shown that more people are still suffering financial problems and struggling in maintaining their life basis. Many families and children have experienced trauma prior to becoming homeless. Parents are losing their jobs or having exhausted their unemploymentRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )1699 Words  | 7 Pagestraumatic stress disorder has become a problem among veterans returning from the Afghanistan and Iraq war. Even after returning to American soils, veterans are battling with the effects of this mental illness, but who else is suffers from this illness. Family members and caregivers are also affected from PTSD. The soldier, the family member and caregivers once knew before going over sea to war is no longer the same. It can take an emotional toll on someone, whose loved one suffers from PTSD. The
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Applying Concepts From The Health Belief Model - 2340 Words
4. Apply concepts from the Health Belief Model to discuss why some women do not engage in behavior to prevent osteoporosis. In what other settings has the HBM been shown to be useful? Synthesize why the simplicity of the Health Belief Model is both a positive and a negative. Developed in the 1950s, the Health Belief Model (HBM) is a model that attempts to clarify why individuals do not partake in accessible health services by using methods or approaches that directly or indirectly influence positive health behavioral outcomes based on intervention techniques. The concepts of HBM can be applied to why some women do not engage in behaviors to prevent Osteoporosis, for example. Based on the primary constructs of the HBM, there are six main reasons why women may not engage in preventing osteoporosis. The reasons are as follow: 1) belief in that they are not at risk of developing osteoporosis (perceived susceptibility), 2) lack in the belief that actual steps or actions against prevention will be effective (perceived severity), 3) belief in that any medical intervention will not minimize their chances of having osteoporosis in the future (perceived benefits), 4) belief in that financial loss, psychological implications, inconvenience of medical intervention may outweigh the possible benefits of disease prevention (perceived barriers), 5) lack of personal triggers in their day to day lives which encourage them to take action against osteoporosis (cues to action), and 6) lack ofShow MoreRelatedThe Health Belief Model Of College Students807 Words  | 4 PagesIn the 1950’s the health belief model (HBM) was introduced to explain why people who are healthy, continue to participate in activities that keep them free of illness; while others neglect to be involved with healthy activities (Pender, Murdaugh, Parsons, 2015). PubMed was used to find this article with the limitations of an article written in the last five years, humans, and English; the Mesh words used was health belief model. The article Applying the health belief model to college students’Read More Psycho-Social Theory and Nursing Care Essay1015 Words  | 5 Pagespsycho-social aspects in health care is vital (Walker et al, 2007). Those aspects are par ticularly important in nursing care, where an individual should be considered as the entire person with a need for physical, psychological, social, emotional, intellectual and even spiritual wellbeing (Holland et al, 2008). This essay will address psycho-social theory of health beliefs and attitudes in relation to nursing care. The essay will begin by considering how health beliefs lead to health behaviours. It willRead MoreEssay on Health Promotion1354 Words  | 6 PagesHealth promotion and teaching are important tools for nursing. By promoting health and health teaching, nurses can help lay the foundation for a healthier future. Major Concepts and Definitions BeliefÂâ€"a statement of sense, declared or implied, that is intellectually and/or emotionally accepted as true by a person or group. AttitudeÂâ€"a relatively constant feeling, predisposition, or a set of beliefs that is directed toward an object, a person, or a situation. ValueÂâ€"a preferenceRead More Health Promotion and Teaching as Tools for Nursing Essay1325 Words  | 6 Pagesfor a Healthier Future Health promotion and teaching are important tools for nursing. By promoting health and health teaching, nurses can help lay the foundation for a healthier future. Major Concepts and Definitions Belief–a statement of sense, declared or implied, that is intellectually and/or emotionally accepted as true by a person or group. Attitude–a relatively constant feeling, predisposition, or a set of beliefs that is directed toward an objectRead MoreApplication Of Theory For Clinical Nursing Practice1278 Words  | 6 Pagesfor collecting reliable and valid data about the health status of clients, which are essential for effective decision making and implementation. Nursing theory also serves as a guide assessment, interventions, and evaluation of nursing practice. Theories can address important questions for nursing units. Theories can be grand, middle range and practice. Grand theories provide a complex and broad scope and incorporate numerous ways of viewing concepts in nursing. Middle range nursing theories are narrowerRead MoreNursing Philosophy1001 Words  | 5 Pages 2 Nursing philosophy Definitions Philosophy Philosophies encompass a multitude of value statements and beliefs. Philosophies are based on knowledge derived from reality, personal values, existence, reasoning, and relevant presentation of concepts. According to Alligood (2014), they address concepts such as person, environment, health, and nursing. Philosophies are derived from different theoretical works which affirm general ideas pertaining to those works. Philosophies are all basedRead MoreThe Neuman Systems Model Theory1541 Words  | 7 PagesThe Neuman Systems Model Nursing theories serve as thinking guides for nurses to follow in order to reach optimal outcomes for patients. Theories are applied in conjunction with experience one has gained and critical thinking in everyday nursing practice, research, and education. The Neuman Systems Model, which was created by Betty Neuman, is one example of a theory that has been in practice for decades and continues to be modified to reflect new research. When applying the NSM, the nurse focusesRead MoreThe Models Have Different Approaches Towards The Concept Of Nursing Essay1117 Words  | 5 PagesNursing Both models have different approaches towards the concept of nursing. Leininger presented nursing as â€Å"activities directed toward assisting, enabling, and supporting with the cultural beliefs and values of the recipient of care†(Masters, 2014, p. 69). Nursing is a general profession which includes culturally congruent care; nurses provide care for members of diverse cultures. According to JaroÃ… ¡ovà ¡ (2014), nursing is presented by three types of activities which are culturally congruentRead MoreThe Neuman Systems Model Theory1541 Words  | 7 PagesThe Neuman Systems Model Nursing theories serve as thinking guides for nurses to follow in order to reach optimal outcomes for patients. Theories are applied in conjunction with experience one has gained and critical thinking in everyday nursing practice, research, and education. The Neuman Systems Model, which was created by Betty Neuman, is one example of a theory that has been in practice for decades and continues to be modified to reflect new research. When applying the NSM, the nurse focusesRead MoreThe Experience Of Becoming A Family1638 Words  | 7 PagesEndeavoring to become a family health nurse has been a long and rock-strewn journey. Yet, like climbing a mountain with its downfalls and peaks, I have become more astute in managing circumstances and have developed a new understanding of what a family nurse embodies. The purpose of this paper will be to illuminate the experience of becoming a family-oriented nurse and how I utilized my knowledge from Family Health course to achieve this outcome. I will deliberate on an event that summarizes my experience
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Human Resource Management Set of Techniques and Strategies
Question: 1.Evaluate the effectiveness of the activities that are described in the scenario for Pre-Start Preparation, and present a case for how the process should be improved. What changes do you recommend, what specific steps should be addressed before a new employee arrives? Assess the potential for improved productivity if your changes are implemented? 2. Evaluate the effectiveness of the First Day Activities that are described in the scenario, and defend your suggestions for an improved process. (For example, should some of the standard information be offered in e-learning modules? Should new employees spend more of their first day in their new departments, as opposed to a facility-wide orientation? Should there be a schedule for more than one day of orientation?) Include recommendations for specific activities and timelines, feel free to create checklists as an evaluation guide. Assess the potential for improved productivity in your new approach compared to the scenario? Answer: Introduction: Onboarding can be discussed as a set of techniques and strategies which help a new employee to gather knowledge, manners, and skills to become an efficient member of the organization. An effective process of Onboarding is required to retain in employees in the first place. 255 of the employee turnover occur in the first 45 days (Cable et al., 2013). Moreover, to make the employees a greater production with consuming less time, an effective, useful and well thought-out onboarding process is needed. In the given case, the office has providing a valuable, time-consuming onboarding session to the manager. However, it did not make much change to my knowledge and orientation about the office and its management process. After the session, I was left with not enough information and the process and channel of communication to make the best outcome from my end. Rather it made me confused and skeptical about the facilities I am going to obtain. On the other hand, the training sessions were not much helpful as it was done in a hastily manner. I did not get any formal orientation with other employees and the authorities. The session did not also provide me any knowledge about the organizational culture. However, it can be said that this onboarding session was not much helpful to me (Steinmacher et. al., 2014). Now if I make an assessment about the pre-start onboarding session provided to me, I would say that it made me more confused about my job and the position. No formal introduction to the co-workers was made and my manager did not respond to my call. people tends to stay in the job longer when they feel connected to the social group of their work place and their managers make good contacts and mentor them and complement them. In the case of Google, this hired more than 5000 employees in 2012, made a strong social connection to the new comers, to speed up their performance. They named their social group Nooglers (Ross et al., 2014). Pepsico has also launched an employee onboarding community to familiarize the workers with the company and their job role. To obtain better performance in the pre start onboarding the companies can incorporate the techniques of Gamification (Smith, 2014). It helps a company to ensure better employee retention, higher involvement and better alignment between onboarding and learning initiative. The DBS bank provides the facility of online gaming to introduce the employees the organization values, internal systems, growth data, and multiple set up of the company (Rongo Lioy, 2014). These procedures can be integrated to the onboarding process of my company to obtain better knowledge and relation among the employees and the higher authority. Like LOreal, my company can include round table discussions, individual monitoring, providing needed data and HR support so that the employees can regulate the required channels more efficiently (Cable et al., 2013). On the first day, I have had trouble in my workplace. My desk was not prepared, I did not have the required data and I did not know whom I should contact. Then I was left with no option but going to the receptionist to pledge for help. The first day a company should provide orientation to the new comers and they should spend more time in their new departments. They should be provided with training about the process of performing their job roles. These will help them to know their basic regulation, policies and information about the company and the job role. On the first day, the employees should provide the new employee paperwork, which would be filled with the necessary information about the worker. The standard information should be provided to the employees with an e learning procedure (Fagerholm et al., 2014). Activities Techniques Objectives First week First month Four month Orientation manual FAQs, organization reviews, tips etc. through CD or hard copy To obtain better knowledge and involvement Internet Training Login information, necessary information to handle the portal etc. should be provided To obtain better performence Greeting Mail from the HR to the employees To make the employees feel free and accepted Information regarding benefits From HR to the employees through mail To make the employees feel safe Peer meeting Introduction with co workers and the authority To obtain better work culture Leadership training Meeting to the key people their responsibilities To make the employees know about the hierarchy Feed back To the employee For his positive progress Performance knowledge guide To the employee To focus on the areas for battement Checklist to the employees and the supervisors To ensure that the process is being rightly carried out The following checklist can be consulted in this regard. (Source: Fagerholm et al., 2014) Conclusion: This afore said recommendations would be helpful for my company to guarantee to better role clarity, self efficacy, knowledge of the culture from the employees end. Unlike me, the new employees would be able to perform more quickly and efficiently. This will provide more satisfaction among the employees and the authority would be able to exert the performance in the right time and with greater precision. References: Cable, D. M., Gino, F., Staats, B. R. (2013). Reinventing employee onboarding.MIT Sloan Management Review,54(3), 23. Fagerholm, F., Sanchez Guinea, A., Borenstein, J., Munch, J. (2014). Onboarding in open source projects.Software, IEEE,31(6), 54-61. Rongo, E. J., Lioy, M. V. (2014).U.S. Patent Application No. 14/522,441. Ross, W. E., Huang, K. H., Jones, G. H. (2014). Executive onboarding: ensuring the success of the newly hired department chair.Academic Medicine,89(5), 728-733. Smith, E. N. (2014).Workplace Security Essentials: A Guide for Helping Organizations Create Safe Work Environments. Elsevier. Steinmacher, I., Gerosa, M. A., Redmiles, D. (2014). Attracting, onboarding, and retaining newcomer developers in open source software projects. InWorkshop on Global Software Development in a CSCW Perspective.
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